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Freedom Of Hate Speech

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Freedom of expression; something that many people take for granted in the United States. This meaning, hate speech and free speech needs to be protected because it is useful in many cases. For many years, freedom of speech and hate speech has been in a great debate whether over if it should stay protected or should it not by the first amendment. Hate speech is very good in many ways, but people take advantage of it. Hate speech should still be protected either way no matter what the circumstances are. Political hate speech is the type that is most strongly protected by the first amendment for over years. Hate speech is important because its a tool that everyone uses every day without knowing. This is important because in many other countries …show more content…
According to Talia Klein Perez, she explains that the way you express yourself to certain people will have consequences. “The first amendment, as it is understood today, protects people’s rights to say what they want, not to do what they want” (Perez). The reason that she said this was because if you express your thinking in the wrong form like in a fight, there will be deep consequences based on what you did. As long as you don't say things using “fight words” and physical violence or in a way that the person will get offended you have a great possibility of being fine. In the article called How first amendment rights have evolved, it explains that people have a freedom of doing as well of saying. “The first amendment guarantees freedom of religion in two clauses or sections: the “establishment” clause, which prohibits the government from naming an official church, or religion; the “free exercise” clause that allows people to worship as they please”. This shows that in the US, people are allowed to worship as they please and have no restrictions as to what they can and cannot do religion-wise. Doing as one pleases is a big thing, not like when the Nazis prohibited Jews for then leading to them locking them up in concentration camps. Thus proving the point that free speech and hate speech should be protecting anyone’s rights to do anything and say what they want when they

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