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Birth Order Research Paper

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Creating another human being has been an important expected duty for most of the people in order to continue the existence of the species. Back in the days, many choose to have larger family, but as time passed by, number of children human want to have reduced, and even some choose to have none at all. Whatever the decision others make, the birth order of a child impacts their own personality. This is siblings’ influences each other which causes to develop differently. It is a struggle for power within a household. Meri Wallace, a child and adult therapist, also an author of Birth Order Blues and many other books, articles and magazines, stated that “Birth order has a powerful effect upon children’s emotions, development, relationships, and …show more content…
Which is understandable, since there are no siblings to compete or share with, it only makes sense for others to think that way of it may further be true. Although being an only child can be called the super-firstborn since have the privilege of having all their parents’ support, attention and expectations on their shoulders which brings out the burden.
+ emotional difficulties that only children are prone to have such as excessive sensitivity and hypochondria because of all the care and attention from parents, or trouble expressing anger due to not used to arguing with anyone growing up are results of environmental influence but not in the way most commonly assumed. The other point of few that I believe that being the only child can be not too bad but unique, awesome and fun position in a family. Since only children miss opportunity to socially interact with similar age with more than others who has siblings, they learn to be children on their own. Parents and friends can support but cannot cover everything so eventually only children learn how to depend on themselves. Grandparents’ house during summer, I always walked around the country side of village by myself with no fear and often heard that I was good at playing by myself. I guess it now making sense that I had developed to be self-sufficient. Because even from my personal experience, I always had a lot of friends, up till now people are surprised how much of a loner I can be because I have no problem going to movies, grocery shopping, or a restaurant by

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