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Apollo Robbins

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The presenter in question is Apollo Robbins, his Ted Talk on the Art of Misdirection is a wonderful example of successful communication and audience engagement. Robbins is for a very quick background is a world-famous pickpocket and a security consultant. Robbins takes his skills of deception and helps consult companies on all the ways they can be deceived. Robins does not give a business presentation exactly, while it may seem a little magic showy he creates a story and at the end finishes with fascinating point and causes every person to reevaluate their perceptions.
Robbins had a lot of successful aspects of his presentation, but first, let's start with his weaknesses. Right away, his mic is too close to his mouth and the sound of that static of the mic being too close can be a little distracting. Robbins talks a little too fast and often his words come out a little sloppy. His nonverbal communications like the way he holds …show more content…
He initially gets the audience's attention with his unique background, only to keep it by audience interaction. What is most impressive is his ability to explain his theory in "kindergarten terms", making it easily understandable to everyone in is his immediate audience but also easily understandable to his virtual audience who could have various levels of understanding. Robbins keeps the information portion of his presentation short and concise, and then switches gears to actually show you an example, what is so wonderful about this sequence is if an audience member was starting to get bored or their eyes were about to glaze over he immediately draws them back with more audience interaction. His overall use of humor is fantastic and is used to capture and misdirect the audience. Another exciting tool I saw Apollo Robbins use was the rule of threes. When he does his little audience trick with the poker chip he does it three times, to prove his

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