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Excess Sugar Intake Research Paper

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Joanna Kent
Intro to College Writing
Effects of Excess Sugar Intake
Sugar is in almost everything we eat. Consuming sugar is a part of our daily routine. It is essential for our bodies to create energy and function. But since it is an ingredient in most foods, individuals often overlook the effect it has on their bodies. Just like sugar, everything is good in moderation. But what most individuals do not realize, is they are consuming three times more sugar daily than they should. Individuals tend to focus more on counting calories but counting grams of sugar might be what the dieting world needs. Focusing on one’s sugar intake is not only helpful to their weight but as well as their overall health. Sugar is sweet but the illnesses it can cause are not. …show more content…
In order to maintain a healthy diet, women are allotted six teaspoons of sugar and men are allotted nine teaspoons of sugar consumption a day. One article said that on average individuals consume around an extra 20 teaspoons of sugar a day. This fact is astounding because a woman is only supposed to consume ¼ of that. Although it’s so easy to consume added sugars you didn’t even know existed. For example, food items like yogurt and fruit juice may seem healthy but when you read the food label they often have way more sugar than you’d expect. The amount of sugar in them almost cancels out their nutritional value in your diet. A common theme among my research is how sugary drinks are the worst enemy. This includes juice, soda, energy drinks, and the list goes on. But simply in one can of soda may lay a whole day’s worth of sugar and sometimes more. The fact of the matter is that it’s so easy for individuals to consume so much sugar without even realizing it or the effect it has on their

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