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Gay Marriage Thesis

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Outline of thesis paragraph; should precisely, i.e., word for word, match your thesis paragraph as it appears in Part II (above)).
A. Thesis Statement: Legalization of same-sex marriage is the result of justice with American bill of rights so it should be protected as a law.
B. Arguments-
1. Same-sex marriage is protected from protest assert banning even though freedom of speech from first amendment.
2. Same-sex marriage is protected from homophobic crimes.
3. Same-sex marriage is the result of realization a just society based on bill of rights.
II. (Argument 1) – Same-sex marriage is protected from protest assert banning even though freedom of speech from first amendment.
A. First amendment provides rights for freedom of speech.
1. First amendment …show more content…
(Freedom of speech – a democratic of government cannot survive unless people can freely voice their political opinions and criticize government actions or policies. Freedom of speech, particularly political speech, is thus a prized right, and traditionally the courts have protected this right to the fullest extent possible. (p.103-104 textbook))
2. However, when the thing which against the bill of rights appears, it cannot be protected as a rights.
a. [Speech that harms the good reputation of another, or defamatory speech (Ch12) also is not protected under the First amendment. To constitute defamation, the speech in question must be an assertion of fact and not merely an opinion. Unlike an opinion, a statement of purported fact can be proved true or false.]
1) One of the most major opposite point of banning same-sex marriage is gays are patients who should be cared with mental treatment, but it is not true and nowhere there is scientific …show more content…
Their right for liberty and secured by equal protection, and due process (by due process now they choose legal marriage). Their rights to be married with their partner and economical marriage can be protected, with due process. It is not illegal anymore because the law allowed it.
IV. Attacking LGBTs and same-sex marriage against bill of right
A. Homophobic hate crimes violates equal protection.
1. Whatever their reason is, the hate crime cannot be justified. Hate crimes against LGBTs are still a problem, and they are punished. In the United States, 1 in 5 reported hate crimes target gay or bi victims.
2. Not only the same-sex marriage, but also the United States equally protect LGBTs legally by making laws which prohibit discrimination LGBTs.
B. If the religion encourage invasion of equal protection, the religious reason cannot ban same-sex marriage.
1. There are possibility of same-sex marriage can threaten religious freedom, and people are facing a new problem which this can make weaken of freedom in religion, the first amendment. However if it intrude personal rights and equal protection, it violates the fourteenth amendment so it cannot be

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