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Same Sex Marriage Essay


Submitted By melypurwanto
Words 676
Pages 3
Same Sex Parenting Fails Children
By Brian S. Brown
Same-sex marriage
The Economic Benefits of Gay Marriage
By M.V. Lee Badgett
Same Sex Marriage Talking Points by Dr. James C. Dobson

Introduction marriage is a sacred thing when the two people decided to tie the knot in the presence of religion and the law to create a a new family. but nowadays, same sex marriage is become a part of marriage. It was already legalized by 11 countries in the world, and there are also several countries that proposed legal recognition of same sex marriage and it was pending in the legislative house. Many countries in the world are forbidding the same sex marriage because there are many consideration to be taken and it is against various provisions such as culture and tradition embraced by the community, trust, and also the public mindset.
Thesis statement although there are many countries against same sex marriage, but there are evidence that same sex marriage is beneficial to many society in this world because every people have their civil rights.

Argument 1 many people believe that same sex marriage should not be legalized because it goes against moral. there are many conflicts coming from this kind of marriage and people have their own perspective that can not easily change by the government.. this issue can also easily ruins the society by making unbalance conditions and may cause debate and disagreement in the community. same sex marriage can destroy family values, where people are creating a family by giving birth to their children as the result of their

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