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Essay On Influenza Epidemics

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The major factor responsible for the recurring nature of influenza epidemics is antigenic variation of the surface glycoproteins of influenza viruses. These changes lead to renewed susceptibility of persons infected previously so that reinforcement and illness may also occur. Epidemics occur annually, although they vary considerably in severity and intensity, the peak of acute respiratory illness causing persons to seek medical care always coincides with the peak influenza virus activity. Evans and Kaslow (1997) indicates that traditionally, the impact of influenza epidemics has been measured by estimating excess mortality, a finding specific for influenza and primarily occurring among the aged and chronically ill persons. However, recent surveys have shown that only about one quarter of patients hospitalised with ARDs during influenza epidemics are 65 years of age or older and that only 31 % have underlying chronic conditions for which vaccine is recommended.

The most common causes of acute respiratory illnesses is as a result of influenza viruses, affecting all ages in …show more content…
The RNA polymerase is essential in the construction of multiple copies of RNA using an mRNA template. A virus benefits from producing multiple copies of RNA as this ultimately leads to reproduction of multiple copies of the virus within the host cell. Influenza viruses contain the necessary genes on their own RNA proteins to produce RNA polymerase. The gene is known as PB1. We believe that mutations in the PB1 gene play an important role in determining the transmission methods of a virus; airborne or non-airborne. PB1 nucleotide/protein sequences from airborne and non-airborne viruses will be compared to detect any significant changes. According to Fouchier, mutations at sites H99Y and I368V (I, Ile; V, Val) in PB1 play a factor in conferring airborne transmission in H5N1 (Lee,

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