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Why College Is Hard

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College is Hard
In any type of setting, be it academic, athletic, or otherwise, you will have those who succeed and those who fail. In the setting of a college, much akin to Chattahoochee Technical College, success or failure can mean the difference between an upward trajectory in a career path, or a minimum wage position at the local “hole in the wall” restaurant. According to, “70% of Americans will study at a 4-year college, but less than 2/3 of them will graduate with a degree.” (Beckstead) This means that for every 3 students in a college, at least one will likely drop out, either due to personal reasons, or due to failing grades. Therefore, this essay will present to you a few discrepancies between a pair of example students, who we shall name “Alex” and “Frank,” as a way of demonstrating the differences between an “A” student and an “F” student. …show more content…
Alex has dreamt of being a professional chef since she was a young girl. She found the proper college career path to get a cooking degree from her high school counselor. She studies hard and puts all the effort she possibly can into her college application, and makes the grades to get into the college, while running a part time job at a local restaurant to keep up with the bills associated with going to college. Once in her program of study, she understands that she must keep her grade up if she wants her dream to come true. Frank, on the other hand, has this general idea that being an animator sounds cool, and he’s assuming that everything will “work itself

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