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Relational Interdependence Research Paper

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Are we what we think? Are we what we do? Are we what we repeatedly do? One of humanity's burning questions revolves around what it means to be yourself: who am I?

Initially, the question was explored through philosophy in an attempt to find the answer. However, as time passed and other disciplines emerged, other fields, in addition to philosophy, also seek for a solution to the question; social psychology is one of those fields.

One of the models in social psychology that attempts to answer the question is the relational interdependence measure. It attempts to define the self based on relational interdependence. Someone who is not relational interdependent defines themselves more independently of their relationships. They see themselves as someone who is defined by their own thoughts, feelings and actions. On the other hand, someone who leans towards relational interdependence, defines themselves through their relationships with other people. Many sociological factors, such as gender, geography, and age, affect whether a person is interdependent or independent. …show more content…
In my case, I believe the test was as accurate as it could be given my lack of past reflections on how I define myself and the degree of honesty and objectivity I used while answering. Perhaphs, five years ago my score would have been higher, which I belive because I used to be more dependent on the few close relationships that I had. Now, I no longer dependent solely on those relationships and have been greatly exposed to a much more prominent narrative about being

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