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3-Based Brain Elements: Video Analysis

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3 Based Brain Elements

The Primal Brain is the part of the brain that's completely made up of survival instincts like food, violence, fear/danger and sexual. It connects to unusual and unique elements. Primal is known to be the most powerful to reach the mass.

The audience is taking in every movement that’s happening in the Media Campaign. The visuals are playing the role to ensure the viewers there is no danger or fear. They might feel a little scared or related to the video, because of the concept and the simulation. “5 ways to reduce stress can seem like a fearful topic at the beginning because the viewers haven’t really taken in every knowledge that’s going to happen next.

This is an effective primal brain element because …show more content…
It makes the audience think will it work, will it make me happier, will it reduces my stress. We don’t have the answers to those. It's up to the viewer to decide and try if it will work. This is how the thinking element of the brain will process this video.

The thinking brain is being effective in this video because we are asking questions, making it a puzzle and providing facts and data to the audience that is relevant.

Effective Headlines and/or Call to Action:

Effective Headlines are something you will see in a website, newspaper or magazine cover. There are some techniques on creating a good effective headline using numbers, playing to primal-shock value, make it personal, and form a question. Call to Action is an exhortation or stimulus to do something in order to achieve an aim or deal with a problem. Being unique with your word of choice, social proof and reciprocity and social trigger. Something that will talk to a specific target audience.

They are both important factors that will make you go take an action depending on the information you …show more content…
It does the opposite it has a positive message, that if you're stressing over, school is fine, we have 5 simple rules that will help you keep moving. That’s the way this video is positive psychology. It helps the viewer know they aren’t alone, that they will get through it. It just takes time and encouragement. It's effective because many college students can relate to this video and they will have an outcome.

Self-Determination is autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The human body will be motivated in current activities. It’s all about tendencies and innate psychological needs.
The way that self-determination is being used in this commercial is by showcasing the narration of how you can reduce your stress, through dance, coloring, music, psychical activities and going out. It’s up to the individual to take the action. Its being relatable, cause motivation in current activities is being showcased to reduce stress in college students.

It’s been effective because determination is key to success in life. It’s triggering the brain with many questions and puzzles that only they can relate to. At the end of the video we see how it all comes in one piece, we all have stress, but sooner or later it will all be

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