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Should Kids Get Home

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Many different types of kids from all ages who are endangered from countries should be able to to enter the United States of America. Who would want these kids to struggle and have them in places that aren’t safe for them? I personally wouldn’t want them too! The U.S should consider the reasons why these kids travel thousands of miles to escape! Many kids leave their home towns due to many problems, such as wanting to see their parents, leaving from abusive acts, and just for more freedom. There are can be very various reasons why kids leave but the most obvious are listed above.
As stated in “Which way Home”(2009), one of the movies we have watched many kids leave their home countries for many reasons, but specifically to see their parent …show more content…
Many kids go through abusive acts mostly done by the fathers. For example, recently this June a five-year old was abused by his father in Los Angeles(Latimes). The son, Anthony who had no clue of what is father was going to do, was later found on June 27 the home of a aunt and uncle after police responded to a tip from neighbor. Many authorities say in a statement that, Anthony was taken to a nearest hospital. “Anthony had been chained, beaten to nearly death by his own father and was malnourished” (Latimes). Later it was discovered that Anthony had been in the process of a dual citizenship. Anthony fate was most likely to be resolved through the Mexican child welfare system. La Times stated that, Anthony was put in for a huge chance to be deported back to the U.S( The fate of Anthony shows us a great example of what many kids experience in Mexico and other countries. Kids like Anthony should be deported to the U.S for better protection and for safety of themselves. No one has the right to hurt someone in any way. The U.S gives many opportunities to kids that suffer from physical abuse help them go through rehab. All the United States has to do is consider many of the thousands of kids they send back every year. They should also …show more content…
Many kids come to the U.S to either financially grow or to just have more freedom/have pursue of happiness in this new country. For example, Cesar at age 17, was tired of hiding in his home due to gangs of Guatemala trying to kill him(Nbcnews). Cesar was within many gangs but had conflict with the gang of Guatemala and was at a huge risk of losing his life. Cesar stated that, “I just wanted to escape all of that, You arrive at a point where you can’t take it anymore”(Nbc). This shows how Cesar had been fed up with hiding and running from place to place, trying to not be seen by the Guatemalan Gang. Later, he joined a Wave of Central American children that were trying to cross the U.S border, which is now putting a lot of pressure on the government. NBC news states that, “The numbers jumped in 2011, and have doubled every year”(Nbcnews). Many kids leave due to gangster activity and of trying to escape their fears. The story of Cesar shows us that many kids try to flee to the U.S for only their safety and nothing other than that. The one thing that should put limits on everything is someone’s safety. If I personally, was in Cesar’s position, I would have the same perspective on trying to flee to the U.S as soon as

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