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James Polk Research Paper

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ames Knox Polk was born in November 2, 1795 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina being the eldest of 10 children. As he grew older, his family moved to Columbia, tennessee where he was often sick and survived a surgery for urinary stones. In 1803, James’ grandfather, Ezekiel Polk, went to Duck River in current day Maury County, Tennessee where he wanted to search for new lands to settle. Once He had succeeded, James and his family moved up there, too. The polk family dominated in Maury county and Columbia. With james Knox’s father being the country judge, they had many important guests at his home. He grew up with parents and grandparents who were strong supporters of President Thomas Jefferson and opposed the federalist party. In 1816, Polk started going to the university of North Carolina where he studied law under a great Nashville attorney. He …show more content…
The Oregon Treaty also upset many others. Although he expanded the nation from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, many people choose to believe that he left the nation “facing its greatest political and social crisis since the American Revolution”. After his presidency, Polk went of Nashville, but only three months later, he died of poor health. He was buried at Polk Place in 1893. James Polk impacted the country greatly as he gained a lot of territory throughout the United States. He also negatively impacted the states as he started many wars and crisis. I think that James Knox Polk was overall a pretty good president. Although he made many irrational decisions like going to war on Mexico, I think that he was lucky enough for it to have worked and they to have gained Texas and New Mexico. He was the president who decided to just go for it and start attacking other places to start making more states. I think that all the raids and treaties were worth it because all the land he discovered became part of the United States of

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