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Why Do Budgets Change Over Time

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At one point I believed budgets were useless and not beneficial because i always seemed to deviate from the budget that was set. However, over time and as my expenses and lifestyle changed, i began to realize that budgets are very valuable and needed. My husband and I decided to began to become very strict about the budget we have set in place as it helps with our yearly expenses and travel and equips usp to be able to do what we want and need to do. I agree that at times I think a lot of individuals deviate from the set and assigned budget in order to justify a means for why we should and need to spend more money. I know personally, I had a budget just for shopping and I would always find a way to spend more on my credit card than I allotted myself. I would often tell myself that I just had to have a certain item(s) for a certain event or simply because I thought the item was cute and fashionable. Regardless of if I had the same item in a different color. …show more content…
So, that is really when I began to focus on sticking to my budget and making sure necessities were taken care of. Furthermore, I also began to see a complete makeover in my finances and goals once I began to fully see the impact of sticking to my budget. I was able to save money and keep my finances and bills in order. Based on Budgeting Income (2013), it is acknowledged that budgeting is the most basic and effective tool for controlling your money. However, many people do not like to deal with budgets because it requires work, patience, and dedication. Furthermore, budgeting can also imply that you have to give up and stop yourself from relishing in the things you

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