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Why Do Pat Love Hockey

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Pat loves Hockey and so do I, I’m Pats best friend. Pat loves Hockey so much that he has a bedroom full of Australian merchandise. He has 12 aussie singlets, 20 pairs of Aussie socks, 6 hats, 26 shorts, 11 t-shirts, a dooner cover, pillow case, posters, pyjamas, stickers and limited edition hockey which his dad bought him for a lot of money and his mum says ‘It’s a waste of money and stupid’. This weekend Pats going to the world cup final with me and his Dad and Mum. Where Australia plays against the Netherlands. Pat thinks it’s the best game to watch all year and so did I, also his dad and mum but Pat thinks his mum will just go to the shop and buy lots of silly, useless stuff like dresses. She will probably buy Kentucky Chuck aka KFC for …show more content…
Jersey Aussie socks. Just before the gate, pat begged and whined to do the activities. He didn’t do one not two but all of them. Good thing we got here one hour early, we finally got to the gate. We lined up for 30 minutes, we tried to find our seats. But somebody was sitting in them. It was somebody who bought the cheap tickets and I was sitting right on the fence and it was behind the Australian dugout. It cost 7x an average seat. The game is split into four quarters of fifteen minutes. The match started Australia had a short corner it was pushed out the drag flicker flicked it. It hit the cross bar at outstanding speeds. Everybody got out of their seats and they oooooood! Netherlands struck back and they scored bottom corner. There was a little noise of the Netherlands supporters yelling. The quarter was over, my dad went to get a beer and got me a Pat a Frosty Fruit each and a bowl of hot chips. Second quarter. It was a slow start Australia scored, Simon Orchard over headed it from halfway, Kieran Govers put it in the top left corner into the net and the stadium went crazy. Australia ran back to halfway. Netherlands struck back hard but Mark Knowles got the ball and passed it to Jamie

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