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Why Evidence Based Practice Is Important

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The presentations provided by Bernadette Melnyk shed light on why evidence-based practice is so important. She uses personal experience that gives a great example of how evidence-based practice ultimately assisted in saving her daughters life. Although I have not officially been in the workforce yet, I believe evidence-based practice is essential not only in the healthcare field but also in daily life. When making a decision, we ultimately look at the evidence, big or small, to come to the best conclusion. A decision can be simple, but oftentimes in the healthcare field can determine a patients future well-being. The evidence that we use should be up-to-date and accurate because every day there are new discoveries and findings. During clinical, I have been exposed to and seen evidence-based practice in different ways. …show more content…
As many people did, I always made sure to have the correct information when it came to the virus because I was a college student and needed to know how to properly quarantine and stay safe. It is interesting to see how the CDC and healthcare in general has changed their information as they learn more about the virus. The information about the virus looks very different now than it did 5 years ago, and that is all because of evidence-based practice. As time has gone on, we have learned more about the virus, which has changed our understanding of it and what are the best ways to protect ourselves! Although I did not have clinical experience during the pandemic, the nurses I have worked with have expressed stories about how different it is now compared to what the hospital setting used to look like. Although COVID-19 is just one example, there are plenty of changes going on in healthcare to ensure that patients are getting the right care for them and that is all because of evidence-based

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