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Why How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson?

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In the old days democratic is different from day. To really to answer “How democratic was Andrew Jackson?”. You need to focus on what time period was and what was going on this period. In the 1820 and 1830 the people were the white man. A democratic is government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. Jackson was an orphan. He was a rebellious child and never steps away of what he wanted. He raises himself without anyone to help him. He wanted to change the way the country had been run before he took charge. He didn't think that the people were really getting their fair say on things. So, He began his study of the law but he was born to be a hero. He enters to the military until he became the commanded America forces in defense of New Orleans. Then he instantly became a national hero because of New Oreland battle. Jackson won Americans hearts not just because he wins battles, but he relate to the common man. He was not a very wealthy man; he owned a home and some land. Jackson did not believe the Constitution gives equal opportunity to the Americans. Andrew Jackson was democratic …show more content…
In the presidential electors, the people were voting more. The people connected with Jefferson than another president because he wasn’t like the others. In document 1, you could see that the people have more they say then the legislature in the year of 1828. The people view him as a leather to lead them. This most focus, on document 2, “If Jefferson had been the hero of the gentleman farmer, Jackson was the hero of the dirt farmer.” In other words, he represents the people the poor people. He was the voice of the people. This made him look good man. He wanted to represent common people because he believed they need to be as equal to the other rich

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