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Why I Chose Nursing Career Research Paper

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: Explain why you chose nursing as your career of choice?
Rebecca Kieser: Well, it kind of came natural. Being a mother of small children, I was nurturing and knew how to care for another. Then when all the children went into school, I felt that I needed to work outside the home. It was kind of environmental also because I was in a rural area where I didn’t have a lot of opportunity for a good job. What opportunity I did have….was nursing. There was one hospital and one nursing home in the local area. The only job available was at the nursing home as an aide, which I took. I had to take a class to become a Certified Nursing Assistant first though. I felt I could do the work and liked the idea that I was still close to my children, …show more content…
We didn’t have the lifts back then like we do today. I was lifting residents all by myself from bed to wheelchair or vice versa. I knew I couldn’t do that kind of physical labor long, so I looked into pursuing a nursing career. The nursing home had a program where they would put me through nursing school for my Registered Nursing Degree. They would pay me to attend classes full-time as long as I worked for them 24 hours a week and promised them 2 years of employment after I graduated. I thought that was a pretty good deal. Plus your father broke his neck at this time of decision making and the motivation for a higher paying job was there as well. We were not sure of his physical ability to support the family, so I felt the obligation to help him out in that department. So as I went to nursing school, the nursing home worked very well with me to make sure my work and school schedules wouldn’t conflict. I’m a nurse today because of the nursing home’s willingness to help me out. I remember thinking God had a huge hand in my journey as well. Each of you six children never got sick during those 2 years. Your dad was home doing his best with the cooking

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