...Bachelor of Arts (majoring in History, Politics and International Relations), and First Class Honours (90%) from Notre Dame University, Fremantle, WA. Awarded a Parliamentary Internship to study at the University of Dublin and worked as a Political Intern in Parliament House, Dublin, Ireland. Studied abroad at the University of Saint-Louis in Madrid, Spain and International House in Bogota, Colombia. Travelled extensively through Europe, Central and South America, Mexico, India and Asia and have taught English internationally. Also undertook voluntary community aid work in Oombulgurri, East Kimberley and Varanasi, India. Throughout my tertiary studies, worked part-time and full-time as a Supervisor and Administration Officer at the Ocean Beach Hotel, Cottesloe. CAREER OBJECTIVE To secure a job as an English Teacher in Vietnam with a dynamic, reputable school and work in a challenging role that offers opportunities for knowledge acquisition, advancement, leadership and collaborative teamwork. TERTIARY QUALIFICATIONS Current Masters of Applied Linguistics. Monash University, Melbourne. Aug 2011 CELTA. (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), International House, Bogota. Completed a four week course focused on teaching approaches and methodology, lesson planning, language awareness and phonology. The teaching practise component including teaching elementary and intermediate students. 2010 First Class Honours. Thesis: ‘Why strengthening the democratic...
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...Admission essay is an essay that your write that reflects who you truly are. The next step you have to do is gather supplemental materials, and then you have to interview for admission if necessary. In your interview you will tell them about yourself and why you want to go to that college and then your hobbies and what you do, or what you want to major in. If you get in, then you will receive an acceptance letter saying that you were accepted into the college that you applied for. If you don’t get in, then you might receive a letter saying that the spot has been filled, or that you weren't accepted into that school that you applied for. You can apply to any school. Just because you can apply to any school, doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to get accepted. They might not accept you if you have a history of doing bad things. It might be because they didn’t like your application, because you didn’t meet the criteria. It’s not because they didn’t like you, and it’s definitely not personal. It’s just because you didn’t meet their standards, or you didn’t test high enough to attend that school. The more you have on you application, the better. When you have lots of good things on...
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...Leadership Style Nathalie M. Salib Helard University of Phoenix, Puerto Rico Campus LDR/531 – Organizational Leadership August 21, 2013 Prof. Elsie Jimenez Galarza Leadership Style What is a leader? A simple answer will be someone who leads others. A leader has a vision, a commitment, a drive to achieve that vision, and most important, the skills to make it happen. Leaders see a problem that needs to be fixed or a goal that needs to be achieved. It may be something that no one else sees or simply something that no one else wants to work on. No matter what it is, is the focus of the leader and attention that makes them attack the situation with determination. A leader must have integrity; people have to believe that you are working to achieve your dream. A leader must also be a people person who understands the differences that makes people unique and is able to use those individual skills to achieve a goal. They must be good communicators to move people to work toward the goal. A leader also must be a motivator to be able to make everyone contribute and finally, a leader must be positive, he or she must encourage and rewards people and makes then want do things right. Taking all these characteristics of what a leader must be into consideration, my paper will be about Hillary Rodham Clinton. She fits perfectly on the description of how and what a leader should behave and be. First, let’s describe all the leadership qualities...
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...Essay 3, Page 505 question 5 In this essay I will discuss the concepts of complete responsibility and bad faith as defined by the principals of Sartre. I will also discuss if I agree with his thoughts. In addition I will debate if I think if a person should always be held accountable for their actions. I will also give some examples that I think will help to illustrate my thoughts and feelings on Sartre’s ideas on complete responsibility and bad faith. Let’s first begin with an explanation of the concept of living in bad faith. I interpret this as a term used by Sartre to describe how we live our lives in an existentialist world without taking the responsibility of our own actions. When I say an existentialist world, this needs some explanation. It is meant as how Sartre describes how we find our self in the world. We are born without any essence (given by God) and we are only born as human being with existence at first. But without any essence, this means we are entirely free, free to act as we wishes, and free to make our own choices. This again means that we must take responsibility for our own actions, for our own choices in life. And this is where bad faith fits in. If you don’t take this responsibility, the responsibility of facing your own actions and yourself in life, you are living in bad faith Sartre is convinced that human responsibility makes sense only if there is no God; otherwise divine foreknowledge and predestination necessarily exclude alternative options...
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...Initial Interview Would this examinee be a good candidate for a senior pastor at a large urban church? Identifying Information Harry Pixma is a 33 year old married male, born March 17, 1980, who lives at 3222 Oak Lane, Atlanta, GA. His personal home phone number is 706-555-8529 and business phone is 770-555-2966. He is employed at the Chrome life Insurance company that he has worked at since graduating from college, East Georgia Polytechnic University, nine years ago. His emergency contact is his wife Sandra Pixma his wife of nine years and the contact number is 706-555-3194. The date of this interview is September 6, 2013. Purpose of Counseling/Presenting Problem Harry has come to counseling with the concern about “anxiety at work”, which has been giving him trouble for some time. The issue of anxiety at work has been ongoing since he was hired by the company. Harry told me that when he was hired that his training went well, but as soon as he started to take on clients, that is when the anxiety at work began. Harry said that when the work phone rang at his desk he would become anxious and his hands would start to tremble and he would sometimes be so anxious that he would not answer the phone or schedule appointments with potential clients. Mr. Pixma has commented that he is afraid of what the clients might think of him and that his belief is rooted in the fear that he will not know what to say or he might be wrong in what he tells his clients. In further investigation...
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...purposes. The statue was rated as the most embarrassing statue hence it brought about controversies, it discouraged greenough’s interest in art. 2 (b). The 19 federally recognized native American tribes in southern California are; the Barona band of mission Indians, campo kumeyaay nation, inaja-cosmit band of Indians, jamul Indian, la jolla of luiseno Indians, la posta band of mission Indians, los coyotes, Manzanita band, pala band of cupeno Indians, pauma band of mission Indians, Mesa Grande band, Viejas band, Sycuan band, Santa Isabel band, san Pasqual band, Rincon band, Pala band, mesa Grande band The Chemehuevi Tribe is one of the Native American tribe in the southern California which is federally recognized. The Chemehuevi is an Indian majored term that means ‘those who play with fish’’. In the mid 18th century, the Federal government declared them a public domain when the Chemehuevi lost their traditional lands. The authority developed the Chemehuevi valley in the early 19th century which was meant to reserve the massive acres of the tribe’s mother country. The tribe was later relocated to Parker vicinity when their tribe was grabbed. In the mid 19th century, the congress gave the tribe, the right...
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...simply not know, or are apathetic to the struggles associated with mental illness. It will be shown just how different people’s ideals can be. For example, Mental Illness is Misrepresented in the media is the warrant in this first article. The article states that “unless you majored in psychology or attended medical school, chances are the bulk of your knowledge about mental illness comes from the newspapers you read, the television shows you watch and the movies you see. Studies indicate that mass media is one of public’s...
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...COMPANY CASE Netflix: Disintermediator or Disintermediated? PRESENTED BY: DANIEL RICARDO ORDOÑEZ 201312625 MARIA LUCIA PACHON 201311104 YALILE KATHERIN ROA 201313192 THE SABANA´S UNIVERSITY BUSSINESS ADMINISTRATION MARKETING GROUP 1.2 2015 1. BACKGRAUND Netflix is a company that was created from the need generated by getting movies to watch from the comfort of the house, although at that time the companies who led this market were Blockbuster and Redbox , but to get them you had to approach a local Blockbuster or go a supermarket or store nearby where a dispenser Redbox addition these had a specific time to be returned, if not met you could have a fine is found, Netflix identify these weaknesses in them and became its advantages as well when you wanted to watch a film could access the internet make your Netflix account and solicitabas the list of movies you wished to see them received and send you the movies , these could be the time you wished and return , so Netflix quickly gained the lead. But with technological advancement and different devices that were created Netflix realized that people prefer to search online movies so they should not leave home or wait for them to arrive , so the company decided to create direct platform on which there are not only movies but also get series , plus Netflix decided also be associated with the different technological advances for these Netflix had already built into the device as we see when we buy a PlayStation...
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...The Empowerment of the Future of Women “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult”, Charlotte Whitton (The Soul Sisters). Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Oprah Winfrey are just a few names who have taken women leadership to the next level. But why does progress still seem to be a struggle for other women? Men seem to be dominating the political world in the U.S., and females seem to be striving to be the next powerhouses, but their professional image seems to be standing in the way of their future. Although women have made significant progress in obtaining low level leadership positions, their professional image continues to prevent them from receiving these same positions in higher forms. Political standards for future female candidates have become increasingly difficult to fulfill. The claim made for women not obtaining these higher level positions is simply because women are “less hierarchical, more cooperative and collaborative, and more oriented increasing other’s self-worth” (Eagly, pg. 2). Candidates for the job must be “likeable and tough” (Braude), which is seemingly become more and more difficult for female leaders these days when men are strong participants with these characteristics. When one wants to put a female and a male in a rink together, who would come out on top? The obvious choice would be the male, but it is not time to give a female the chance? The opportunity for women leaders...
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...warlord, and her father, a pharmaceutical executive. Vera’s wealthy upbringing largely influenced her view on fashion. Her mother was very stylish and would take Vera to Paris fashion shows during her childhood. Vera states that her mother, “absolutely loved fashion” and “I had a mother that was superbly chic. She made fashion this adventure for me as a young woman. She viewed fashion not as superficial but as expressive.” (Zimbalist, 2007) Vera explains that from her mother she, “got a first class education with style, and quality, and exposure to European houses, and the kind of education that sometimes you can’t even get in school.” (MOVIE) Her wealthy upbringing allowed her to attend prestigious schools, including Chapin, a private school in Manhattan. It also allowed Vera to become involved in her passion, the sport of figure skating. Vera was a competitive figure skater until the age of 20, with the dream of becoming an Olympic skater. Unfortunately however, Vera failed to qualify for the 1968 Olympic team, calling it “heartbreaking”. (MOVIE) Moving past this disappointment, Vera enrolled in Sarah Lawrence College in New York. Here she majored in Theater Studies but then later changed her major to Art History. During her time at Sarah Lawrence, Vera studied abroad in Paris at The Sorbonne, where she was further exposed to French fashion. In 1970, Vera had her first experience working in the fashion industry. She was employed at the Yves Saint Laurent Boutique on Madison Ave...
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...For Your Country” John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the thirty fifth president of the United Sates. He was the youngest ever to be elected and also the youngest to ever die on office. Kennedy changed the way Americans looked at their country and the way the world looked as well. Kennedy was elected on the “New Frontier” in his inaugural address, president Kennedy declared that “A new generation of Americans had taken over leadership of the country. The Unites States White House states that he told Americans “Ask not what your country can do for you…ask what you can do for your country. From his early life to his career in congress and as president of the United States, John F. Kennedy proved himself to be one of the most influential men in US history. Simkin writes that John F. Kennedy’s family was of Irish decent. During the great potato famine of the 1840’s John F. Kennedy’s Great Grandfather, Patrick Kennedy, immigrated to the United States and settled in Boston Massachusetts. It was here that politics entered into the Kennedy gene pool. Patrick Kennedy’s son, Patrick J. Kennedy was a successful saloon owner and a United States Senator. John F. Kennedy’s father, Joseph P. Kennedy, served under President Roosevelt administration as the U.S. ambassador to Great Britain. He also was first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Joseph P. Kennedy was a very good business man and politician making himself into a self-made millionaire. John F. Kennedy’s mother was of political...
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...Roslyn Marshall Mr. Lerma English 1B 1 December 2014 Word Count: 3,399 Grendel: A Symbol for the Unknown In the history of human civilization, stories have always had an educative role. In the literary works of fiction, authors use diverse images and symbols in order to trigger a particular reaction from the audience. Some authors, however, use traditional images in new contexts challenging the audience's perception of those iconic characters. Authors often argue that characters can have different meanings and symbolism in different cultures and different times. The best example of these new meanings is seen through the writing about iconic monsters in different time periods. From the analysis’ of Beowulf and Grendel: The Truth Behind England’s Oldest Legend by John Grigsby and Grendel by John Gardner, the character of Grendel in both books is the symbolic meaning of how society is afraid of the unknown. When people are confronted with an unfamiliar circumstance, it is human nature to twist the unknown into something frightening and unacceptable....
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...Kin Faat Chau (Lucas) Professor Gustafson ARLT 101 07/09/2013 Preface Compilation of this extract involved numerous connections of societal development realities whereby tangible sources that supported the document provided critical information, particularly on Los Angeles historical fundamentals. Civilization is the major aspect explored in this study; the supportive materials helped my writing with analogous information that clarified the encompassed perspectives of societal detrimental issues that indicates the need for improvement, as pointed out by Mennell (p. 2). I have to acknowledge these sources for laying a foundation that proved the societal view and responses towards creation of possible change through literacy basics in their perspective community based activities. Social and political class play critical role in shaping people’s life whereby in sometimes they can be destructive rather than constructive in the societies. The view of human nature as a basic reality received in diverse perspectives indicates the need for substantive measures in taking people’s consideration when the moral basics are involved. Formulation of substantial laws to provide governance prospects are areas that many of the authors relied on in this study have proved to require substantive corrections to guide the people who seem to encounter the hardships of accepting others, particularly with the illusive approaches on society well-being. In most cases, as seen in this study,...
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...Case Study Final Dr. Vint Cerf: Father of the Internet Rebekah N. Diaz ISSC363 Dr. Tannoury December 28th, 2013 Diaz 2 Technology refers to, the making, usage, modification, and size of machines, tools, methods applied by an order when dealing with problems. It also applies to methods applied when improving an already existing solution and when performing a duty or achieving a goal. The superficial IT evolution can be said to be preceded by hand and print revolutions. All the things that one can now handle within a short spun of time just by the click of a button is quite different from the past. Systems like phones, computers and other electronic devices can carry out a bunch of work just by the click of the correct button within a minimum duration unlike in the past. They have made the lives of young people comfortable and swifter, as explained by Keith (100). Modern technology has led to globalization. This has made the world smaller. It has allowed the world’s economy to be a separate business unit. This business unit is interdependent. The Internet, televisions, and cell phones are enlightening socialization by making both positive and negative impacts on the lives of children. Internet is the first group having enormous influence in technology. It has changed how people communicate, when they talk, where they relate from and the frequency at which they do so. The Internet allows for globalization, interconnection and sharing of information. It has made the...
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...WR-123 Research Paper NOT ALL MONSTERS ARE MAKE BELIEVE - A CASE STUDY ON THEODORE R. BUNDY What causes someone to become a serial killer? Is there something inherently evil about them that emerge as they age, or are they born that way? Do they become that way because of their upbringing? Most Psychologists feel that it is a combination of all these things that determine the psychosis exhibited by serial killers. (www.psychology.org/links) Psychologists have looked into the darkest recesses of human behavior, to try to figure out how and why people commit such gruesome and brutal atrocities against their fellow human beings. One of the best cases of documented psychopathic behavior is that of Theodore R. Bundy. On November 24, 1946 Theodore Robert Cowell (aka Ted Bundy) was born. His mother was a single young woman who decided the best course of action was to move back home to have her parents help her raise her son; as in the 40’s it was not acceptable for a young single woman to have a child out of wedlock. Until the age of four, Ted believed that his mother was his older sister, and grandparents were his mother and father. (Rule, A: The Stranger Beside Me) The signs that something was dreadfully wrong with Ted began to show themselves very early in his childhood. When Ted was barely three years old, one of his Aunt’s stayed the night with the family. The Aunt woke up in the early morning hours to find her young nephew Ted, lifting her blankets...
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