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Why I Want To Write A Personal Statement Of Purpose

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Coming to America in 2001 was the most challenging, yet greatest experience in my life. At the age of six, all I was worried about was missing friends and family. I was completely oblivious to the immense impact that journey would have on my life. My parents have truly devoted their lives to making sure that my siblings and I have great opportunities. My father worked two jobs and eighteen hour days to provide for us and to send money to family back home. My mother, with only a high school education, found it difficult to learn the language and had to work menial jobs. They suffered hardships as children that they never wanted me and my brothers to experience and for that, I am grateful. I endeavor to express my gratitude by working hard to attain my goals, be successful, and make them proud.
Highly motivated to succeed, I dramatically improved my grades following a time of confusion and immaturity during freshman year of college. Once I realized exactly what I wanted to pursue in life, I worked hard to succeed, and my grades the following semesters are truly indicative of my intellectual capacity and motivation for success.
I have gradually developed a passion …show more content…
I did a research project with Valentin Gogonea, Ph.D, at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine in Cleveland Clinic during the summer, and in the fall, he hired me as his lab assistant. Through my work there, I discovered that my interest in medicine is unique because of how I can think about medicine scientifically; I want to be able to apply my research to patient treatment. I believe the principles of medicine begin at the bench and the strong foundation in research fundamentals I gained through this experience developed the desire to pursue research, in addition to a clinical

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