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Submitted By metalheart84
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Pages 25

Overview of How to Write an Essay Writing essays is a major element of your education at the university level. Effective writing gives you the ability to express your ideas, theories, arguments, and projects clearly. The skills you acquire at the university level through writing essays will be aimed at practical business applications that you will be able to use in the workplace. The following information provides a succinct overview of the elements you need to know to begin writing an essay. It will help you on your writing journey. Types of Essays Narrative A narrative essay is a story told by a narrator. Generally, a narrative discusses the personal experience of the author (the first person point of view), but it can also be written about things that happen to others (third person point of view). A narrative typically involves characters, a setting, specific and vivid details, and a series of events that can include current incidents, flashbacks, or dialogue. Cause and Effect A cause and effect essay explores why events, actions, or conditions occur (cause) and examines the results of those events, actions, or conditions (effect). For example, a cause could be purchasing a new expensive home. The effect might be fewer family vacations, more time spent on upkeep, or less time with family because of extra work hours to pay for the home. Comparison and Contrast A comparison and contrast essay shows the relationship between two or more elements. The items can be compared by similarities and differences or both. The important thing to remember about a comparison and contrast essay is that the items to be compared or contrasted must share some common characteristics. In other words, one cannot compare a trip to France and a gourmet dinner because no similar points between the two subjects can be compared. However, an effective comparison and contrast essay can be

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Individual Behavior Assignment

...Individual Behavior Assignment After completing the big 5 personality questionnaire, my scores were determined as the following: |Dimension |My Percentile % | |Openness to Experience/Intellect |65 | |Conscientiousness |79 | |Extraversion |83 | |Agreeableness |38 | |Neuroticism |66 | Openness to Experience/Intellect Given my scores above, I will discuss my personality type and whether or not it fits well with my current role as a Senior Policy Aide for a Minneapolis City Council Member. The first dimension I will discuss is Openness to Experience/Intellect. Openness to Experience/ Intellect is linked with active imagination, artistic warmth, attentiveness to inner feelings, complexity and independent judgment (Matzler, Bidmon, Grabner-Kräuter, 2006)....

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Social and Cultural Diversity

...Cultural diversities are common methods of society contains an amount of individuals who have shared information of ethics, morals, views, or actions. In culture, information can be a result in skills, attitudes, belief, unlike persons, or services. In cultural diversity, there is an intellect of conduct that has been well-read from involvements or designs approved through messages after one group to the following. Sub-Culture are groups in or lesser than a cultural group which takes individuals of a dissimilar cultural family, place of residence, faith, or new thinkable factors that can transport the group together. Ethnicity shows a big part in culture as of today. Ethnicity, or cultural individuality, mentions to connect in cultural groups. Culture groups are clear by common ethnic performs, such as holidays, languages, and customs. Individuals can part the similar ethnic group then have dissimilar ethnic groups. In this paper, personal issues will be discussed within cultural diversity, understanding of the concepts, and reflects on the American Counseling Association (ACA) and National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) codes of ethics. Cultural diversity is the cultural variety and cultural changes that are in the world, a culture, or an organization. It is also the presence of diverse people in a set or society. Cultural diversity (also known as multiculturalism) is a group of diverse individuals with consist of different cultures or societies...

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