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Why Is A Spoon-Feeding Important?

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a pillow or a bottle is propped with a blanket. This increases the risk of choking and aspiration.
The recommended position for infant sleeping is on the back without propping the head; this position is not recommended for feeding. Spoon-feeding is most successful when an infant is capable of controlling its head and mouth. Placing babies in a seated position with good support of their back and feet helps them control their mouth and head better. The person offering the food should sit directly in front of the infant, and the baby should not have to turn the head to receive the food. A high chair is the best support for infants when they are capable of sitting on their own. Ensure that the infant is sitting with legs and torso at a 90-degree …show more content…
The amount of food eaten in this stage is minimal and is more for developing eating skills than for providing nourishment. Offering food from a spoon stimulates the muscles in the mouth and allows them to develop. Begin with 1–2 tablespoons of semisoft foods for each meal, one to two times a day. If the feedings become frustrating for caregiver or baby, feeding with a spoon can be stopped and reintroduced over time (2–5 days). Sometimes the infant has not mastered a necessary development stage. A bit more time may solve the problem and make solid food feeding more enjoyable.
Babies are sensitive to change, and new tastes and smells may be disturbing to them. Some techniques that can help improve an infant’s first experience with solid foods are as follows:
One of the best foods to start with is infant rice cereal that has been thinned with breast milk or formula to a semiliquid consistency. Rice cereal is easy to prepare and has a very mild taste that is more fam any food allergies are present.
As infants progress to thicker, lumpier foods, they can eat many of the foods eaten by older children and adults. Some of these foods include applesauce, mashed potatoes, yogurt, soft green beans, and chopped cooked noodles. Although this is convenient, an infant’s food intake should be based on need and not on what is available. Portion sizes should also be determined by the infant; when they are full they will stop eating. …show more content…
Infants that are exclusively breastfed usually go from the breast to a cup, skipping the bottle completely. It is best to begin introducing a cup to breastfed infants around 6 months. Generally, infants begin to show interest in drinking from a cup at 6–8 months of age. They are usually not developmentally ready at this point and are incapable of elevating the tongue to control the liquid; however, by 10–12 months infants can control the cup and the movement of the

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