Premium Essay

Why Is America Fat


Submitted By LPrice23
Words 1010
Pages 5
Why Are Americans So Fat? Walking into your local Walmart to grab a pack of batteries for the new camera you just bought can be quite disturbing. If you walk around and look at the majority of the people shopping there, probably more than half are considered to be obese. Most people do not realize how many overweight people there are, because we are just so used to seeing them. It is not a big surprise that Americans have become more overweight over the last couple decades. But what has happened in American society to create this crisis? Back in the “old days,” woman used to stay home while the man would go to work to support his family. The woman would clean the house, take care of the kids, and have a home cooked meal ready to eat at dinner time. Very few families in America follow this traditional way of living in today’s society. The economy is substandard with both parents needing to work to support their families and do not have time to come home and cook a decent, healthy meal. The easiest and fastest dinner consists of heating up some sort of processed food or stopping at a fast food restaurant on the way home to grab a few value meals. Stopping at a fast food place like McDonalds to get dinner for a family of four is a lot cheaper than buying fresh healthy food at the grocery store and preparing it. A person can buy four value meals at McDonalds for twenty dollars. In comparison to going to the grocery store to spend at least thirty five dollars on buying chicken breasts, salad ingredients, and whole grain rice. In choosing the cheaper option, roughly 1,350 calories and 55 grams of fat will be consumed in just one meal.
If a home cooked meal is prepared, usually the portion sizes are double or triple the size that they should be. I think Americans overeat at primarily every meal, because they are not educated on the correct amount to eat.

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