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Why Is America Important

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“The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, that is the path of surrender or submission.” These are the words from the renowned John F. Kennedy. America has risen from oblivion and with its leadership, it has brought cultures and philosophies. What makes us American is kept pure to the heart and close to our minds. Whether America is concerning those who like fresh idea’s or for those who exist in the past it will perpetually stay American. We have an influential nation elected with great people and brilliant minds but every country has its predicaments. Whether it be drought or poverty or dictatorship it can and should be resolved. Nevertheless, we cannot alter one’s opinion. …show more content…
We as Americans treasure new things plus we fancy modish concepts. Whether it be political or economic or even within a tech enterprise. We all appreciate distinct impressions regularly within our daily lives. For example, there is a man defined as Elon Musk who at the moment is the most prominent innovator under America. He has certain ambitious aspirations to get us to Mars and to provide us a multitude of modern transportation means. Including transportation by rockets or vacuum powered hyper trains. Some state he is absurd, those who say that however don’t assist with anything. Innovation is for those who believe in advancements. However, in political views, people constantly crave free college, free healthcare, and free public transportation, etcetera. Granted, these are socialist viewpoints but everyone does appreciate them unless you obtain money from them. America United can make new concepts and ideologies. We can and we will rise above our prevailing rate we just need people who can provide new ideas and …show more content…
America is fed up at ignorance. Our qualities symbolize this nation. Surpassing empires collapse from the inside out and we cannot grant that to occur. If people decide to operate supremacy that command will not be empowered. This country ought morals similar to every separate nation yet under some customs, our morals can stand more precious than some different realms. America happened to be constituted toward immigrants that produced new opinions. Every quality mounts a nation to whatever it attains for. Perhaps one day our beliefs and philosophies will spread through out the stars. “The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding”. (Louis D. Brandeis) This nation's obligation is to rise mutually and yield equal rights. Nobody happens to be born extraordinarily abler than anyone else. Being American, we seldom consult this under a nebulous murky haze although a fact will eternally remain a

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