...Took, tortured, and thrown away, animals are being used in inappropriate ways.Animal testing has been taking place all over the world for centuries. Many animals have been killed in the process of making these advancements. It has been argued for many years if animal testing is necessary or not.Animal testing isn't necessary for scientific discovery, we can do experiments that doesn't include using animals. Animal testing isn't necessary for scientific discovery. Testing on animals could be bad for the animals in the long run. In the process of testing on the animal it could die. Many animals die. They don't mourn the animal's death they throw it away and get a new one to start on. Animals could also be left with permanent side effects that last the rest of their lives. They could be stuck with horrible burns or loss of hair on the body. Those animals being tested on are probably going through so much suffering that we would never put a human through. Most likely they don't give the animal any medicine to numb the pain....
Words: 521 - Pages: 3
...Animal Testing Every single year, in the United States alone, an estimated 26 million animals are killed due to animal testing (Animal Testing, 2016). To make matters worse, most of these animals are killed after they have served their purpose. The other animals that are “lucky” enough to live are usually injured and spend the rest of their lives in captivity. Animal testing should not be permitted because animal testing usually proves futile and it is harmful to the animal subjects. One reason animal testing should be banned is because some of the substances that are tested don’t prove to be useful. Many of the substances that are tested are not accepted or even released to the public (Murnaghan, 2016). Therefore, some of the animals die...
Words: 410 - Pages: 2
...and 4th centuries, the early references about animal researches were founded in the writings of the Greeks. Avenzoar is the Arabic physician in 12th century who presented testing on animals as the experimental process of testing medicines and methods of treatment before introducing them to the patients (Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 12). Animal researches are the testing done on non-human animals for determine the safety and the wellness for the patient before using the medicines and cosmetics. There are many types of animals used in the researches like vertebrate animals such as (mammals, birds, fish, rabbits, cats, dogs, and mice). As animal experiments are done all over the world, scientists have their arguments to...
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...My topic of research is animal research and testing, and as I have done the research on this topic, I have found many different opinions on how it either helps, or it’s hurting innocent animals for pointless research. As I look more and more into animal research and testing, I find that a minute number of people are doing anything. There are proven moments where this outrageous research has helped, but there more instances where it´s been proven wrong as well. Animal research helps further the field of science, yet its practices can yield both positive and negative outcomes. What happens to animals if they fail a test is they are put down, but during this testing, the worst part is they are poked and prodded. They are paralyzed, unable to...
Words: 1421 - Pages: 6
...Animal testing is use of animals in experimental ways for the benefit of biomedical research, and it has been a topic long argued about. To every argument, there are two sides: The American Medical Association (AMA) and the People for the Ethical Treatment of Humans (PETA). AMA’s opinion on the topic states that animal testing is necessary, while PETA highly discriminates it. These two major groups of people have been “at war” with each other on this topic of animal testing in biomedical research for decades. The AMA has recently published an article on this topic titled “Use of Animals in Biomedical Research.” AMA’s argument in this article is effective, they use persuasive techniques to support their claim, and their evidence is clear; however, the author fails to make some of his counterarguments convincing. AMA’s claim convinces you that animal testing is needed for biomedical research in many different, but persuasive ways. For example, they express that without all of the information gathered from animal testing, either man kind will be tested on, or we wouldn’t have the health benefits and treatments for diseases that we have today. In this statement, the author uses appeal to fear, by stating that humans everywhere will pay the price in terms of human pain and suffering, thus increasing fear and prejudice towards the audience. Another way the author uses persuasive techniques to support the claim, is by saying that there are limitations to the use of human subjects such...
Words: 670 - Pages: 3
...“He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” ― Immanuel Kant. Likewise, we can judge the amount of justice animals get in animal testing. While some believe animals should be tested on because it is necessary, most test on animals are not necessary, fail often, and are inhumane. Tests on animals are not necessary and are incorrect. First of all, most experiments are flawed; 87% of animal tests fail, causing animal lives to be sacrificed for nothing, according to procon.org. This means that people are being inconsiderate about wasted animals subjects. In the same fashion, 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials anyways. To add, there are many alternatives to animal testing, and new technology that does not require animal subjects. WIth all these failed tests, animals are dying for...
Words: 519 - Pages: 3
...million animals - including mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents, monkeys, and birds - are killed in scientific laboratories in the U.S. each year. Animals are used for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity driven experiments, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing. Because of animal testing, many cures and treatments to an array of diseases and illnesses have been discovered. But too many animals are sacrificed each year. There are many reasons why animal testing is not necessary to the development of the human population. First, animals are killed and injured. As humans, we think that we are so much better than other animals that live and breath on this earth and that we should have more...
Words: 1606 - Pages: 7
...that will have no side effects. There are those who believe that animal testing is necessary to do. When there wasn’t advanced technology or new methods in the past, animal testing contributed a lot to medicine. Many animal trials helped find treatments for many diseases. They important roles in breaking life-saving discoveries. “Dogs were injected with extracts made from the pancreas of other animals, which led to insulin therapy for human diabetes” according to Ri Scarborough. Scarborough...
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...Animal testing is defined as “the use of non-human animals in research and development projects, especially for purposes of determining the safety of substances such as food or drugs” (“Animal Testing”). Unfortunately, some cosmetic companies treat animals unethically during testing; this brings into question whether or not the practice of animal testing can be considered ethical, or even necessary, in regards to cosmetic purposes. Those with pro-animal testing views may argue that the practice of testing cosmetics on animals is necessary for human safety, however, with modern advances in technology, there are now more options for alternatives than ever before. With support from major companies and governments, alternatives to animal testing could potentially become the standard in the near future. Those who support animal testing argue that animal testing in cosmetics is necessary to ensure that the product is safe for human use. They argue that “there is no adequate alternative to testing on a living whole-body system” (“Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing”), and this is why “animals are appropriate research subjects because . . . animals and humans are so biologically similar” (“Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing”). Humans are biologically similar to animals in...
Words: 1363 - Pages: 6
...Animal testing has been a hot topic of debate for centuries, dating experimentation all the way back to ancient Greece with Aristotle. Two polar opposite sides clash on the daily; those who want animal testing banned, and those who want it regularly applied. While researching on the internet, the first impression you receive is from animal rights organizations loudly protesting the laboratory critters--vocalizing opinions about how “animal testing should be banned from laboratories”; but is what they say the full story? Animal testing has been the source of countless human achievements including a better understanding of life and valuable cures for diseases, and several laws demand the use of animal testing before human trials. Animal experimentation...
Words: 1577 - Pages: 7
...Kleemeier Erica Jones ENG 105 11-22-15 Stop Animal Testing in the Medical Field Lions and tiger and bears oh my. More like, monkeys and dogs and mice oh no. How does being poked, probed, opened up, burned, shocked and tortured all for the advancement of the medical field sound? Now think about all those things being done, knowing there is another way, which causes no agony, distress or discomfort to any living creature. Animal testing is a process or “tradition” that has been around for many, many years. The problem with this tradition in particular is that although it causes much pain to innocent animals and can be avoided, many choose to still use this practice today. Animals have been used as tools in biomedical research as early on as the days when Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle, were experimenting for their next scientific breakthrough. Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar), an Arab physician in twelfth century Moorish Spain, introduced animal testing as an experimental method for testing surgical procedures before applying them to human patients (Hajar 2011). Many research associations claim that animal testing has been used in almost every single medical breakthrough within the last one hundred years. Laws have been passed in several countries to make this practice more “humane.” In reality, these laws are the bare minimum and do not truly make a difference for the animals that are being used for experimentations. Animal testing in the medical field needs to dissolve and ultimately...
Words: 3596 - Pages: 15
...really love animals? The truth behind animal research and testing Animal research and testing has been a huge controversial topic in the U.S. For many years, lots of organizations like PETA have created movements to eliminate this completely but without very much success. Personally, I can’t find any positives to animal research and testing but the majority of the U.S population does since animals are used in most major companies and research projects performed by doctors. Animal testing should be eliminated altogether. To begin, doctors race to find a cure to many illnesses that come up with humans. They work long and hard trying to figure out a way to stop diseases and illnesses but how are they so sure that it’ll work and not affect a human negatively when they are exposed to it? That’s where the animals come in. People are putting animal’s lives at risk just to save humans. Is it really fair? In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson, signed the Animal Welfare Act also known as the Laboratory Welfare Act. Although by passing this law, the population was tricked into thinking that animals would be safe and better accommodated. Little did they know, the real terms of this act. The Animal Welfare Act only regulates cage size, cleanliness, and food and water, but does not limit the procedures that can be done to the animals. (Animal 1) This is the only act in the U.S that tries to make acceptable standards for the treatment of animals during research and testing. Now, only...
Words: 1485 - Pages: 6
...face of a helpless animal can break your heart. Many animals go through torturous testing on a day to day basis that they cannot help, nor can they defend themselves. Since Ancient Greek times, animals have been undergoing cruel and inhumane medical testing that should not be done for the benefits of the human race. Animal testing is wrong because it is cruel, costly, harmful to animals, unreliable, and outdated. Animal testing has been around since the times of the Ancient Greeks. Between seventeen million and twenty-two million animals are used for biomedical research each year (Leepson). Many believe that animals do have rights, and there are many organizations out there to trying to ensure their safety and help them get out of the horrible treatments they endure. For example, the ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, has been around since 1866 trying to curb the gruesome treatment of humans to animals. The ASPCA tries to prevent the abuse and neglecting of animals around the nation. They set up shelters for animals and they give vaccines and anything else they may need. The different types of animals being tested are endless; from mice to sheep, they all serve their own purpose in the medical field. Even though these animals have helped scientist break through some medical mysteries, it is still inhumane how they have to suffer in confined quarters. The CAFO, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, raise animals in small living spaces...
Words: 1391 - Pages: 6
...Animal Testing Animal testing is use of animals in experimental ways for the benefit of biomedical research, and it has been a topic long argued about. To every argument, there are two sides: The American Medical Association (AMA) and the People for the Ethical Treatment of Humans (PETA). AMA’s opinion on the topic states that animal testing is necessary, while PETA highly discriminates it. These two major groups of people have been “at war” with each other on this topic of animal testing in biomedical research for decades. The AMA has recently published an article on this topic titled “Use of Animals in Biomedical Research.” AMA’s argument in this article is effective, they use persuasive techniques to support their claim, and their evidence is clear; however, the author fails to make some of his counterarguments convincing. AMA’s claim convinces you that animal testing is needed for biomedical research in many different, but persuasive ways. For example, they express that without all of the information gathered from animal testing, either man kind will be tested on, or we wouldn’t have the health benefits and treatments for diseases that we have today. In this statement, the author uses appeal to fear, by stating that humans everywhere will pay the price in terms of human pain and suffering, thus increasing fear and prejudice towards the audience. Another way the author uses persuasive techniques to support the claim, is by saying that there are limitations to the use of...
Words: 337 - Pages: 2
...Sopharoth Seng Sokmeng Oeum Chhaileang Sam Rachna Neak Bunhak Animal Testing Is animal testing a good way for experiment? Why? According to Peta homepage, around 100 million animals are used for experiments and 90% of the experiments are successful. Actually, there are three main advantages that make animals are suitable for the experiment. First, animal testing helps to ensure safety of drug. According to The public overwhelmingly supports biomedical research in the United Kingdom (UK) with recent surveys citing more than three quarters of the general public in support of this type of testing. Since animals that are used in testing are considered similar reaction to human, this allows researchers to explore the safety of drugs before it is being used toward human. For example, if the products first come out being harmful to human health, the method of animal testing can be such a way to protect human. This means that human harm is reduced and human lives are saved from the danger of drug. Furthermore, many people might believe that animal testing is only useful to humans, but what many do not know is that animal testing also helps animals in various ways. Animals share the same diseases as humans like cancer, high blood pressure, and other common diseases. Animals need the same medications as humans do. Cancer is one of the treatments which have been developed by animal testing. Sometimes animals also require curing their illness by using the same medicine as used in...
Words: 544 - Pages: 3