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Greek Animal Testing

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In the 2nd and 4th centuries, the early references about animal researches were founded in the writings of the Greeks. Avenzoar is the Arabic physician in 12th century who presented testing on animals as the experimental process of testing medicines and methods of treatment before introducing them to the patients (Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 12). Animal researches are the testing done on non-human animals for determine the safety and the wellness for the patient before using the medicines and cosmetics. There are many types of animals used in the researches like vertebrate animals such as (mammals, birds, fish, rabbits, cats, dogs, and mice). As animal experiments are done all over the world, scientists have their arguments to …show more content…
Testing on animals making scientists researches easier in knowing well about human health problems before innovate ways to treat these problems. In addition, using animals to learn and study more about the problems in the human system for introducing a suitable treatment for them in many different cases. Moreover, to make sure about the safety and quality of the new drug or medicine before introducing for the patient. Using animals in the researches allow scientists to find out the best ways to treat disease like Cancer, Aids, High blood pressure, and Organ transplants ( 2). Animal testing also describes as lifesaving of the humanity by decreasing the death rate. For example, insulin testing on animals has led to saving the lives of many diabetics. In addition, saving young children life from heart diseases, and polio. According to Dave Anderson, the start working with a “Global Vaccination Program” in 1988, the number of young children suffering from heart diseases and polio decreased by 99% …show more content…
Animals are the only way to make researches on, because some diseases should only be studied on a living organism that are similar to the human system. Moreover, animal’s system is biologically similar to the human system; therefore, animals are the good research subject to many human health problems. Animals are similar to human system for example; Chimpanzees share more than 99% of DNA with human, and mice 98% of DNA ( In addition, studying living system of human is very complex. Scientists cannot predict the side effects of the treatment on the different organs of human body without testing and observing on an entire living system similar to the human. The nervous system, blood and brain chemistry and the secretion of the gland inside human body all linked together so it is impossible to explain the possible treatments for them without testing on animals

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