...Topic: Do we still need Black History Month General Purpose: To Persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to view black history month as more than just a small lesson. That black history is not just for blacks, that it’s more than a month, and how it’s everyone’s history. Central Idea: Black history has been single out to one month as a way to make sure that blacks are remembered in history. Blacks has always been apart of history. Therefore is it reasonable to set a side just one month to illustrate the participation of blacks in our countries history? Introduction I. In Media That Matters Film Festival, August 2005, tittles A Girl Like Me by Kiri Davis a 17-year-old film student of Manhattan’s Urban Academy a doll test was duplicated. Kiri Davis who participated in the Reel Works Teen Filmmaking program, a free after-school program was supported by cable network HBO. A. In this documentary a female voice asks the child a question: “Can you show me the doll that looks bad?” The child, a preschool-aged Black girl, quickly picks up and shows the Black doll over a White one that is identical in every respect except complexion. B. Why does that look bad?” “Because she’s Black,” the little girl answers emphatically. “And why is this the nice doll?” the voice continues. “Because she’s White.” “And can you give me the doll that looks like you?” The little girl hesitates for a split second before handing over the Black doll that she has just...
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...Freedom and Equality By Henry Ayala Today, I’m going to write about why we emphasize the learning of Black history during Black History Month and the argument against “Black History is American history”. It is an argument well said in recent times, but in my humble opinion people are viewing it from the wrong perspective. What I want you to gain from this essay is a changed perspective from Black History Month to what it actually is, Black Awareness Month. Prior to 1926, most people learned very little about the contributions of black people in American history. We learned about slavery, sure, and the underground rail road, but not so much about a broad range of important black people and their achievements and contributions and impact on our shared history. History books ignored a lot of things for various reasons, and the reasons behind ignoring the contributions of black people in American history were pretty obvious when you look at our culture and history up until at least the 1960s. So the point of it was to establish the legacy of a beaten race in their rightful places in the pages of history books and in the national dialogue of American history. A more thorough and detailed picture of the past is a good thing in terms of figuring out how we got to where we are now, not a harmful thing. Not many people realize that learning about Black history is an ongoing process of rehabilitation of the Black psyche. As an enslaved race they had been destroyed, reduced in society...
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...UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN FOUNDATION IN SCIENCE - FHEL1012 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC STUDY ACADEMIC YEAR: 2015/2015 SEMESTER: JAN 2015 TUTORIAL 2 1.0 Identifying the General Purpose of a Paragraph 1. In naval aviation, the AWACS (Airborne Early Warning Command and Control System) plane, or Hawkeye, serves as an air traffic controller, monitoring the airspace around a carrier fleet. It is responsible for surveillance of enemy aircraft and ships as well as directing helicopters to survivors and guarding against air collisions. In addition to servicing the Navy, Hawkeye planes have been used in rescue operations of civilians during hurricane evacuations. The purpose of this passage is to: A. Inform B. Persuade C. Describe 2. The pilots of the Hawkeye aircraft are the unsung heroes of naval operations. The first in and the last out, these men receive none of the glory bestowed on the Top Guns of F-18 fame. Thanks to Hollywood, fighter pilots have been glorified, but the pilots of the AWACS planes work quietly and diligently, and they deserve praise for their contributions. The purpose of this passage is to: A. Inform B. Persuade C. Describe 3. Tobacco companies have been in litigation, facing charges that their marketing practices in the past have targeted teenagers. Also, evidence indicates that companies...
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...Race in Obama’s America 1. Text one “Black is being seen in a whole new light” is a commentary written by Yolanda Young. The text is published on USA Today’s website on August 14, 2009. Yolanda Young is a lawyer and columnist. The author brings the view on black people into focus. She didn't get noticed by white people until Barack Obama got elected for President. Her main statement is that the view on black people has changed. “For a woman the color of dark coffee to be noticed, even admired, suggests a cultural paradigm shift”. She supports this statement with an example. In a research from 2008 two psychology professors found that 51% of the 300 non-black participants preferred white people. A previous research showed that white people had a 81% preference for white people. She concludes that she has hope for the future. The second text is written by Eric Holder. It is an excerpt from a speech which was given on February 18, 2009 at the Justice Department. The text is called “Black History Month” and was published on the website of the Justice Department. Eric Holder is Attorney General of America. Eric Holder finds is really important that black and white Americans communicate with each other about the racial separation to be united. His main statement is that we have to understand Americas racial history before we can understand America. “One cannot truly understand America without understanding the historical experience of black people in this nation” He believes that...
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...surprised to fully understand how secession was related to racism and white supremacy. However, his Confederate-minded childhood could also be a source of bias insofar as his interpretations of secession and the controversies surrounding the Civil War, in addition to the documents he used to write this particular book. Chapter 1 2. What are the controversies surrounding the mural of Robert E. Lee and Confederate History Month in Virginia (hint: they are related to the same issue!)? There were a series of debates surrounding whether or not a mural of Robert E. Lee should be placed by Canal Way built along the James River. The NAACP spoke against the mural, saying that Lee was an advocate for slavery since he fought for the Confederacy. Pro-Lee advocates, including former Ku Klux Klan leader, David Duke, voted in favor of the mural. The court finally decided to make the mural. The other controversy was the one about Confederate History Month. Republican governor, James S. Gilmore, and his predecessor wanted to declare April as Confederate History Month. The NAACP spoke...
Words: 1951 - Pages: 8
...Section A -Focus on attitudes to race in Obama’s America 1. Give an outline of the different attitudes to the situation of African Americans presented in text 1, 2 and 3. Yolanda Young’s text (text 1 - “Black is being seen in a whole new light”) is about her own experience. She writes about that nearly 20 years ago, she could walk down the street and not being noticed at all, as if she was invisible. But since Obama got elected she now gets noticed and she becomes overwhelmed with compliments. Yolanda Young is stating the fact that, in the modern world, there are many black stars “Of course there have always been black women who were embraced as beautiful: super-models Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell come to mind”. Also a test was made with a couple of black children. The children was handed over a white and a black doll and was asked which of the dolls were the best and the prettiest. Almost half of them said that it was the white doll. Eric Holder’s text (text 2 - “Black History Month”) is about a speech which he is making. His attitude against the black people in the US is very positive. He thinks that it is really important that everyone is treated equally, and that everyone, no matter race, is feeling welcome in the country. “As a nation we have done a pretty good job in melding the races in the workplace”. People have to talk honest and openly about the racial problems in order create a gathered nation. Walter Backstrom’s text (text 3 - “The obsession over race continues”)...
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...30060 September 1, 2012 Pastor L. Collins, Senior New Hope Christian Fellowship Ministries P O Box 956606 Marietta, Georgia 30064 Greetings Pastor Collins: I am submitting the attached proposal for consideration by you, the First Lady, and the members of New Hope Christian Fellowship Ministries. This proposal identifies the problems of declining membership at your church as well as possible solutions. I have been a member of New Hope Christian Fellowship Ministries for over seven years and have watched the revolving door of members for that time. In the last eight months, I have observed many members leaving and attendance declining but unlike in the past, new members are not coming into the ministry. As a result of the declining membership and attendance numbers, the ministry is also experiencing low donations and the ministry is struggling to pay its bills. During the last few months, the significantly low donations have begun to threaten the future of New Hope. This proposal will address the problems that I have mentioned; it will also offer solutions that have the potential to provide significant relief to your ministry. Your ministry has been serving the Cobb County, Georgia area for over 20 years and my objective is to create avenues that will keep this ministry thriving for many years to come. Please review the materials that I have included for your edification. The various parts include an abstract, which is a summary of the full report that is also...
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...com HUMN 303 Course Project December 14, 2014 Jennifer Christopher Christopher.jenniferj@gmail.com HUMN 303 Course Project December 14, 2014 There is no other social movement in the entire history of the United States that is more poignant and significant than the civil rights movement – not even the Boston Tea Party. Some may argue that this movement was nearly our downfall as a country since it allowed the world to see all of our imperfections. How can we say that all men are created equally in our Constitution when in the south, African-Americans were treated as second-class citizens? We had no rights and contrary to what was stated in our Constitution, we definitely weren’t freed. As a researcher and student, you cannot research this period of time without perusing the countless articles, news reels, pictures, and the written accounts given by people who actually participated in the marches and sit-ins. My research led me to numerous articles and videos of events that occurred during this time period. My heart ached as I watch people of all color being hosed down and attacked by dogs. I cried at the images of seeing young black men swinging from tree branches as onlookers stood there laughing and pointing at these “Strange Fruits”. I wondered what their crime was and why the crowd felt that it was okay for them to be punished in this way. I wondered if those people that witnessed or even participated in these lynching felt any remorse. Did those images of those...
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...African Americans Heroes Shawn Okelley Taylor COM/150 04/28/2013 Lee Eubanks Who is a Hero? African American heroes have a great impact in our society and are often not recognized for their great achievements. What kind of life did they lead? What was some of the problems they faced? And what did they do to make them well known. So, What does define a Hero and Heroism in today’s society? Black History month has often spoken upon famous African-Americans such as Martin Luther King Jr., Booker T. Washington, Harriet Tubman and George Washington Carver. Those legendary figures are certainly worth celebrating, yet there have been many other African-American men and women who achieved significant milestones for their race, and made significant contributions to society, but get little attention today. Such people as: Hattie McDaniel, Guion Bluford, Edward Bouchet, Fritz Pollard, Oscar Micheaux, Madam C.J. Walker and James “Cool Papa” Bell. Hattie McDaniel was actually the first black person to win an Oscar in 1940. Halle Berry who is well known made headlines in 2002 when she became the first African American to win an Academy Award for best actress, for her role in Monster’s Ball. McDaniel’s Oscar winning performance was as the character Mammy in gone with the Wind she was also regarded as the first Africa American to sing on the radio in the United States. McDaniel has two stars on the Hollywood walk of Fame honoring both her singing and film careers....
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...What Claudette Colvin Did Learn about how Claudette Colvin helped the civil rights movement. Though most people don’t know it, Rosa Parks was not the first black person to refuse to give up her seat. Claudette Colvin refused nine months before Rosa, in 1955. It was during segregation, and you would get arrested if you didn’t let a white person sit down on a crowded bus while you stood. Segregation happened at lunch counters, in schools—almost everywhere down south... Claudette Colvin was important because she stood up for what she knew was right, and she motivated others. Who was Claudette? She was a fifteen-year-old black girl. She went to Booker T. Washington High in Montgomery, Alabama. Her family was very poor, and her parents tried not to be noticed by white people because they didn’t want to be arrested—the almost opposite of Martin Luther King Jr. She was a smart girl and hated segregation, especially the bus laws, because her family had no car and she had to sit in the back. She really wanted to be able to sit in the front of—or anywhere in—the bus. You can tell that Claudette...
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...Muhammad and the faith itself. When someone goes to Mecca in order to seek answers in faith or to pray to their god, it is called a pilgrimage, or a religious journey. Malcolm X said “My vocabulary cannot describe the new mosque that was being built around the Ka’aba”. He described the sacred site as “a huge black stone house in the middle of the Grand Mosque. It was being circumambulated, or walked around by thousands upon thousands of praying pilgrims, both sexes, and every size, shape, color, race in the world.” It was a sight that inspired his famous “Letters from Abroad”, three letters, one from Saudi Arabia, one from Nigeria and one from Ghana, that began reflection Malcolm X’s philosophy. “America,” he wrote from Saudi Arabia on April 20, 1964, “needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases the race problem from its society.” He would later concede that “the white man is not inherently evil, but America’s racist society influences him to act evilly." His philosophy was taking a new direction. But his critique of liberalism went on unabated. He was willing to take the help of “sincere whites,” but he was under no illusion that the solution for black Americans would not begin with...
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...poorly described in many textbooks. Often textbooks miss out on important information crucial to our education of the past. Another example would be the quote “When textbooks...
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...Knowing the history or origin of things is important regardless the subject matter. We all want to know how things came about; this applies to nursing as well. It’s important to study the history of nursing because it certainly influences current nursing practice. It’s humbling to know how far nursing has evolved and the men and women who made that evolution possible. It’s important to celebrate these men and women and never forget their contribution to this wonderful profession. Can you imagine if Florence Nightingale had never implemented sanitary conditions in hospitals or advocated for the organization and advancement of nursing education? What about Mildred Montag who created the two year associate degree which most nurses carry today including those of us here who are trying to get our BSN. What if Dorothea Dix had never recognized the plight of the sick, the mentally ill and so forth? I think to move forward it is always wise to know where we came from; hence that’s why we study our history. The first trend that has influenced my nursing perspective is education. It is clear that even back then nursing education was in the forefront and was deemed most important by a number of these nurse leaders – Florence Nightingale, Linda Richards – first person to obtain diploma in nursing in the US, Mary Mahoney – First professional black nurse to complete 16 month program to obtain her nursing etc. so education is key today as it was back then as evidenced by nurses going...
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...by the pilots. However, we should not limit the word “ethics” to doing the right thing only. Ethics stands also about promoting the proper piloting philosophy to people around us, for example to other pilots. Ethical dilemmas always appear in the aviation. Sometimes people have to solve them directly during the flight, but sometimes people may be indirectly concerned even while observing ethical misbehavior from the distance. It was said by Hansen and Oster that the attendance of white men in crucial aviation professions is the heritage of both obvious discrimination in hire and the internal culture that from the start gave the strong emphasis on the masculine nature of the aviation itself (James E. Sulton, 2008). If we take the history of aviation, we will see that everything began with Orville and Wilbur in the year 1910 when they were in the flying school in Montgomery. Those brothers developed the touring company and they needed pilots to conduct flying exhibitions and lessons what might advertise sales. It is obvious that at that time there were lees then ten qualified to the full extend pilots in the whole world and most of them were white men (Hoppe, 2011). The first detect of diversity was the appearing of women in the aviation. Although all women lived through huge challenges, women of color were denied adoption into flight-training programs altogether and knocked off the opportunities to fly. Finally, it happened in 1910 when Baroness Raymonde de la Roche became...
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...Yijun Hu COM1600a Apr.10. 2015 Week1 News News: How Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign machine will kick into gear By Anne Gearan and Philip Rucker April 10 Hillary Rodham Clinton will formally enter the presidential race with an announcement on Sunday followed by appearances on the campaign trail next week, three people familiar with her plans said on Friday, ending months of anticipation surrounding the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination. Clinton plans to launch her campaign via social media and with a video on Sunday articulating her rationale for seeking the White House. She'll then travel to the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa early next week for campaign events, these people said. She is expected to hold mostly small discussion events with voters designed to help the former secretary of state connect with ordinary Americans and listen to their concerns, forgoing the large rallies and traditional announcement speeches of some of her Republican rivals. Behind the scenes, meanwhile, Clinton's fundraising machine is revving up. Her top bundlers are plotting aggressive outreach to thousands of Democratic donors over the weekend and into next week urging them to immediately send checks and make donations online as soon as the Clinton campaign's Web site goes live. Democratic strategists, advisers and fundraisers described Clinton's plans only on the condition of anonymity because she and her team...
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