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Why Is Confidential Information Important

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• Confidentiality of information
As a childcare practitioner a vast quantity of information about the children and their families is confidential.
Confidential information is data that is private, spoken, written or given in strict confidence, such as a child’s date of birth, care plan or information concerning the family. Everyone has a right to privacy and it is against the law to disclose information about child or their family unless they have given consent. The only exception is when there is a concern over the safety of a child’s but this information should only be shared with the safeguarding professional in the setting.
As a practitioner it is my responsibility to treat all information shown to me as confidential, only asking for access to confidential information when necessary to do so and to understand the settings confidentiality policy. Also as a practitioner it is not good practice to repeat conversations that are overheard as …show more content…
This should be reflected in everything I do, including how I organise the environment, plan routines and provide support.
Children’s welfare can be promoted by maintaining a safe and secure environment through carrying out routines and activities in a safe and consistent way. By making routine and on-going risk assessments and by constantly checking for hazards that may arise as children play, action can be taken immediately to keep children safe.
Building effective and trusting relationships with children is crucial for their development. This can be done by being approachable and by valuing what children say. This helps when getting to know the child, their likes and dislikes and any problems they or their family may have. Knowing the child well will help to recognise their feelings and notice any changes in their behaviour that might indicate that they are failing to

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