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Why Is Industrial Development Important To Economic Development

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It remains no doubt that industrialization has represented as an important objective of development strategy of a country. By means of industrialization, developing countries expect to attain higher economic growth and reach as high status as developed countries possess. However, there are still many arguments as if the approach of industrial policy has actually been successful in the process of economy transformation of developing countries. This section mainly focuses on an innovation-technology driven of industrial policy, which might be helpful in promoting skill upgrading, improving industrial growth and producing high quality exported products. Hence, innovation and technology are absolutely important for industrial policy and seen as …show more content…
Firstly, innovation is believed to provide incentives for firms to introduce their new products and services in the global marketplace. This might help firms to consolidate their position in international competition and compete with established incumbents around the world. A pro-innovation viewpoint encourages firms to create new products and services instead of reproducing old-type products, which had been created by others. Secondly, by continually improving existing products and services, innovation is demonstrated to create new opportunities for the growth of the industry. When considering competitiveness, innovations might not only strengthen the potentiality of traditional industries, but also change the current status quo in industrial competition. Industrial development that is mainly based on innovation would definitely reinforce and boost the efficiency of a business ecosystem to help create competitive industries. Thirdly, an innovation-based industrial environment is likely to enrich mutual collaboration among firms and exchanges of ideas, which enhance the general quality of entrepreneurship. Pursuing innovation would help build up an environment that is favorable for mobilizing intellectual capital to reinforce the development of firms, and to improve the performance of enterprises through reinvigoration, …show more content…
Moreover, Vietnam has made this transition while avoiding the strong decline in GDP and industrial output as has happened in many other central planned economies. In the 1980s, Vietnam’s export is not enough to pay for half of the import requirements of the country, and almost no industry of Vietnam can sell products on the demanding markets of Europe and North America. After twenty years, the Vietnamese export value increased twenty times, industrial products are available around the world and contributed the most to the exports of the

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