Premium Essay

Why Must It Hurt


Submitted By TFrazerNew
Words 1474
Pages 6
Chapter 12: Power Violence, & Crime
Thomas Hobbes’ theory on state?
Believed that society must establish a powerful “Leviathan”—the state –in order to curb the savage instincts of human beings.
Negative view of human nature.
A nature that must be controlled by the state if anarchy is to be prevented.
The difference between assassination and murder?
Assassination is the murder of a prominent person or political figure by a surprise attack, usually for payment or political reasons. Murder: The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.
The difference between serious crimes and misdemeanors, and provide some examples?
Serious crimes are committed and reported to police per one hundred thousand people –murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, and etc.
Prison time with serious crimes.
Misdemeanors are f you have been charged with a misdemeanor, you will have been given a citation prepared by a police officer, or a complaint prepared by a prosecutor. The citation or complaint includes a short statement of the offense with which you are charged, and states whether the offense is an infraction, a misdemeanor, or a felony.
Jail with misdemeanors.
Describe the Federal policy on war on drugs?
Federal antidrug policy should be normal “unbold” can be divided into three categories: interdiction, enforcement, and education.
Describe three requirements for crime deterrence?
If law enforcement is to be a deterrent to crime, punishment must be perceived as: 1. Fairly certain 2. Swift enough to establish a link between the crime & its consequences. 3. Severe enough to outweigh the benefits of the crime.
Deterrence- Making the certainty & severity of punishment so great as to inhibit potential criminals from committing crimes.

Chapter 13: Power &

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