...The United States’ minimum legal drinking age of twenty one is almost a perfect example of a policy with unrealistic expectations and serious unintended consequences. Although many people are not so popular with the drinking age being eighteen, I think why shouldn’t it be? One reason I think it should be lowered to eighteen is because even before eighteen or twenty one people still drink. So if people are still going to decide to drink although they are not of age, why shouldn’t they be allowed? Secondly, there would be a lot less arrests to be made because of under age drinking, the reason i say this is because they wouldn’t have to be rebellious about it. Another great reason is there would be less problems in general, statistics show that in the countries that lowered it there were less problems with drinking. Lastly, I personally feel as though less laws would be broken, because again they wouldn’t have to be rebellious about sneaking around to drink. For kids nowadays it’s really not that hard for us to get alcohol. The reason I say this is because if we have the money and older friends, that older friend can just buy it for us. The second reason is we can have parents that thinks drinking is ok and basically say it’s ok to drink just as long as your home....
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...Why Milk is the Best Drink at Starbucks Imraan Lilani Georgetown University Starbucks is an international café serving an extremely wide variety of hot and cold drinks, making the choice of a drink challenging. It is asserted that the ‘Venti skinny French Vanilla latte’ is the best drink served at Starbucks. However, I believe that milk is a superior beverage to all other drinks, using a number of different criteria, which include, adaptability, nutritional content, and cost. In addition, there is the emotional connection people have to their childhood when drinking milk. This paper will provide well-reasoned arguments detailing these criteria, which will demonstrate conclusively why milk is a better drink than a ‘venti skinny French Vanilla Latte’ and the best drink at Starbucks. Milk is an adaptable beverage which can be enjoyed hot or cold. During the Winter months milk can be heated up and can be a hot, soothing drink on a cold day. Conversely, in the Summer, milk can be enjoyed as a cold, refreshing beverage. As a result, milk can be adapted depending on the season and enjoyed throughout the year. This contrasts with the ‘venti skinny French Vanilla Latte’ that is only meant to be consumed as a hot drink therefore would not be as desirable on a humid, hot Summers day. Furthermore, milk is adaptable in terms of its fat content as it is possible to choose from 3 types of milk at Starbucks - full fat, 2%, or skim- ...
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...Question 1 Why might a restaurant charge very high prices for wine and bottled water yet quite reasonable prices for food? When a customer is considering which restaurant that he/ she will visit, most people would actually look at the price of the foods or meals that the restaurant is providing. As the foods are the main courses that a restaurant is providing, restaurant may set the price of the food at a reasonable price to attract customer into the restaurant. But by setting the food at a reasonable price, restaurant might only be able to mark up 10% of the profit margin. Unlike for bottled water or wine, it is a complement goods that will be consumed with the food. Hence, restaurant might be able to mark up the prices of the drinks to 30% to 50% of the profit margin. In most of the situations, customers would want to have a drink with his meal. Besides that, it is a natural human’s reaction that most individuals will not remember to check the prices of the drink. Hence, when a customer is ordering a meal, the customer will buy the drink in the restaurant, as there is no alternative substitute of the drinks in a restaurant. In fact, there is a least possibility that the customers will bring along drinks with him. There is also another situation whereby a restaurant is selling beef steak, and normally red wines is a compliments of beef steak, thus it is a must that customer will need to order the red wine. Base on the situations mention above, restaurant is able to earn extra...
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...The Examination of the Willingness of the Individual in Taking Apart of Australia’s Drinking Culture (Title) Keaton Hanly n9261605 PYB 307 Deanne Armstrong Thursday 1-2pm (?) Words Abstract: Introduction: In Australia, binge drinking “…refers to drinking heavily over a short period of time with the intention of becoming intoxicated, resulting in immediate and severe intoxication.” (DrugInfo) In order to be a binge drinker one would have to drink… “more than four standard drinks at any one time.” (DrinkWise) However, binge drinking isn’t just defined as drinking four standard drinks at one time, it can also refer to drinking “...continuously for a number of days or weeks, occasional or irregular bouts of heavy drinking or drinking to deliberately get drunk.” (DrinkWise) The growing trend of binge drinking has led it to become a social concern for Australia., especially in the younger generation. According to the Australia Bureau of statistics, “In 2011-12 almost three times as many men than women aged 18 years and over consumed alcohol in quantities that posed a health risk over their lifetime (29% compared to 10% respectively)…” (ABS) The problem with binge drinking is that it can cause many different health problems, such as short-term or long-term health problems. Some short-term health problems caused by binge drinking are hangovers, headaches, nausea, shakiness, vomiting, memory loss, and potentially overdosing from alcohol due to alcohol poisoning the blood...
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...the age of 21 is still too old to get permission to legally drink. For some this means just breaking the law and drinking before they are 21. But for others, there are some reasonable points to be made about why they should be able to drink at a younger age. One being that when you turn 18, you have reached the age of adulthood. Shouldn’t you be able to make your own decisions as an adult? If you do make a bad decision, then as an adult, all the reason to learn from it. This is great learning experience for the future and for you to understand the consequences of your own actions. Another reason to let people drink before the age of 21 is the fact that if they are allowed to drink. It maybe won’t seem as fun anymore now that it’s legal. They will also prevent unsafe drinking environments. If someone were to give you a box and say you aren’t allowed to look inside, you would look inside the box the second they turned their box. But if they say you can look in the box like it’s no big deal, they would still look in the box but it would be as big a deal because they are allowed to. They aren’t breaking the rules because they are allowed to, they aren’t in an unsafe environment in an attempt to look in the box without you knowing, so then there will be a...
Words: 657 - Pages: 3
...The minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) actually affects more things than people think. Think about how often somebody drinks alcohol to have fun, relax, enjoy a family gathering etc…. With the drinking age being twenty-one in the United States it makes underage teens and young adults want to drink even more. Why someone might ask. One reason is that it gives teens a sense of adulthood. When teens take a drink of that alcohol it gives them that grown up feeling. Just the fact you have twenty-one makes it so urging for teens and young adults. The drinking age should be lowered to eighteen in the United States. If you take a look at driving under the influence rates (DUI) in the United States and compare them to countries with the drinking age eighteen the United States is significantly higher. Why is that? In almost every other country the drinking age is lower than twenty-one found from...
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...underage drinkers between the ages of 12-20. These statistics demonstrate that the laws prohibiting those under 21 to drink really only “encourages them to dodge the system” because they want what they can’t have (Glaser 1). Therefore, the current legal drinking age of 21 is merely unjust and illogical. The age for alcohol consumption should be lowered from the age of 21 to 18 years old in the United States, and they can achieve this by exposing youth to educational classes for alcohol use, by allowing the young to evaluate their tolerance at an early age surrounded by trusted people, and by having their parents let them...
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...Sports Drink vs. Water In a society where athletes strive to maintain a healthy life, how do sports drinks contribute to their well-being ? Sports drinks are proven not to be as healthy as water, but these drinks can offer an athlete the little things that make a big difference such as fluids and carbohydrates. Some only view the negatives of sports drinks, but what about the positives ? For example, in the article ,”Obey your thirst, just not necessarily with a sports drink, Jennifer Sygo states, “Depending on the situation, the added sugar in sports drinks can do an important job, by providing hard-working muscles with rapidly available carbohydrates, usually in the form of simple sugars.” Although there may be added sugar in these drinks,...
Words: 327 - Pages: 2
...will focus on the soft drink industry in the UK, especially on the two major carbonated, cola drinks producers Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Brief Background Soft drinks sector is a £11.5 billion industry. A report by Mintel (2008) shows that the soft drinks market is represented by five categories such as: carbonated drinks, bottled water, fruit juices and fruit drinks, smoothies and premium soft drinks. Carbonated soft drinks, or known in the UK as 'fizzy drinks', account for over half of the soft drinks market, with sales worth £6.038 billion in 2008. They are usually described as being sweet, with great amount of sugar or artificial sweeteners, and containing carbon dioxide, which makes them 'fizzy'. The leading flavours are cola and lemon. More than half of the UK market value is shared between two international giants: Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Both companies are based in the US. In the UK, Coca-Cola is produced by Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd., and Pepsi by Britvic Soft Drinks PLC. (Keynote, 2008) By far, Coke holds the strongest position within the market with 48% of the retail sales. Holding the second place Pepsi is far behind with only 12% of the sales. For the past few years, due to health awareness, the demand for carbonated drinks has decreased. It was especially noticeable within the cola drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi, hence the release of the low-sugar, healthy versions such as Coca-Cola Zero and Pepsi Raw. According to Carbonated Soft Drinks report (Mintel, 2008) cola...
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...greeted with suggestions of alcoholic drinks. Customers don’t always have the need or urge to consume alcohol, but when suggested at a discounted price. The lower priced alcohol creates a temptation to indulge in it. Can you think of all the reasons of all the reasons of why you drink? In my opinion, the causes of people drinking are; being socially pressured: dealing with stress, and because of social circumstances. First, people can be pressured to drink? A person does not always have the desire to drink. We are faced with decisions when we got to restaurant. Businesses use a sales strategies called suggestive sales to impulse you to purchase liquor. This helps generate more cash for businesses. Applebee’s greets you with the suggestions of alcohol. Every day of the week, they have a special or half priced drinks that have been marked down at very low price. This business believes if they offer drinks at a lower priced, this can persuade customers to buy it. Also, people are pressured to drinks by others who drinks such as coworkers, family and friends. These individuals can influence you to drink by inviting you to attend social gathering and parties where alcohol present. The fear of being rejected can pressure you into the consumption of this addictive beverage. Drinking alcohol can be used as a way to deal with stress. Stress from work, kids, family, coping with death. Dealing with a stressful job can cause enough stress for you to drink. Such as if you have a mean boss...
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...spare time? Race motorcross, snowboard, run, mountainbike - If you were a drink what drink would you be and why? Bahama Mama because I would work at Atlantis and live in the Bahamas Jessica Perrine - Store: Townsend, MD - Years with T.G.I. Friday’s: 11 years - Years as a Bartender: 10 years - Funniest thing that happened to you on a shift? I met my husband - What are your future plans? To start a family - If you were a drink what drink would you be and why? Baltimore Zoo, unique with a kick - What do you do in your spare time? Camping, canoeing, baking Santiago Emeric - Store: Seaworld Florida, Orlando - Years with T.G.I. Friday’s: 1 year, 7 months - Years as a Bartender: 5 years - What are your future plans? Finish school and bartend at Friday’s - What do you do in your spare time? Run, practice flair and hang out with my friends - f you were a drink what drink would you be and why? I’d be an “Old Fashion” and open doors and say “thank you, sir and ma’am” - Theme Song: “The Champ is Here” Brad Kaplan - Store: Thorton, Colorado - Years with T.G.I. Friday’s: 6 years - Years as a Bartender: 6 years - What are your future plans? Win a pumpkin chucking contest - What do you do in your spare time? Flip bottles and spending time with my friends - If you were a drink what drink would you be and why? Stiletto because I look good in five inch heels Andy Hool - Store: Canton...
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...Old enough to fight, old enough to drink Brandon Molett Sociology: 120 Instructor Daniel Beteta April 23rd 2013 There has been an age old conflict regarding the United States military. If you are old enough to fight and die for your country, why are you not old enough to enjoy an alcoholic beverage? Marines who are 18 can be thrown into the very teeth of it. They face death in battle. They make life-and-death decisions in split seconds. But here's a simple choice they can't make: “Miller or Bud?” (Stetz, 2007) Some may argue that 17, 18, 19, and 20 year olds are not capable of handling the responsibilities that go along with consuming alcoholic beverages. To those people I say, if you do not trust someone under the age of 21 to be responsible when it comes to alcohol consumption, then why do you trust them to carry firearms into battle and make life and death situations? In 2007 the United States Marine Corps listened to these complaints from the Marines and decided that Marines, who were overseas, in ports of call where the drinking age was under 21, would allow those Marines to consume alcohol. It is also up to the commanders’ discretion to approve beer being served on special occasions such as returning from war. These Marines would only be allowed to drink on base though. These young people are being asked to make enormous sacrifices, said John McCardell, the former president of Middlebury College in Vermont who runs Choose Responsibility...
Words: 1208 - Pages: 5
...In my community drinking and driving has become a big issue. Many people drink and drive every weekend. People have to know that it is wrong, so why do people do it? There are many ways that accidents can be prevented from drinking and driving. We just need to think of ways that will stop people from drinking and driving and have an alternative for them to turn to. Caroline county is a small town with nothing to do. People have to drive thirty minutes at least out of their way just to keep themselves entertained. One option that we can do to stop people from drinking and driving would be to build a movie theater, everyone loves the movies. The movie theater would be a place for families, kids and teenagers to go, even a place for couples to go on dates. This would stop people from going to parties more and from drinking and driving. Another option could be a shopping outlet. It is something fun to do and everyone loves new clothes. The outlets could be open until eleven o’clock so then it would be too late for people to go out and drink. In the outlets there could be restaurants, nail places, clay bakers and an arcade so everything that a person needed would be right there in one spot. If we had a bowling alley in our community than people could get a group of friends together and be able to go midnight bowling. This would keep people from drinking and going to parties later. They could make just a teens night at the bowling alley and just an adults night. That way teenagers...
Words: 1270 - Pages: 6
...Drink Driving Don’t Do it I believe that having a drink then getting in to your car and driving can cause a serious injury, our death. It is just the same criminal act as a cold blooded murder. Drink driving should be Zero alcohol limit that could reduce hundreds of injury and deaths on the road a year. We don’t drink before we go to work, so why would you drink after work and get behind the wheel and drive home? People would say its because they had a hard day at work so they need a drink, but one drink leads to two, three and more .Before long, there several drinks in and time to go home. Do they get home in one piece? “Statistics” say 88% of drink drivers will get home in one piece and not cause an accident; however the 12% that don’t have a accident . It may only be to a wall our road sign, you could also lose your licence: therefore you may need your licence for your job. It also could be a member of the family. Is drink driving as bad as we claim it to be? YES. There’s no excuse for it. Drink driving cause serious injury or death. Each year numerous lives are lost due to irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to Cheshire for years. For years police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breath testing and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased Cheshire police have composed a series of safe driving campaigns. : Cheshire Constabulary report every year that eleven people die...
Words: 552 - Pages: 3
...Behavior | The Coke Side of Life | | | | The Coke Side of Life | | | Table of Contents I. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 2 II. Research Design --------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 3 III. The Coke Side of Life -------------------------------------------------------- pg. 3 - 9 a. Symbolism of Colors ----- pg. 4 - 7 b. Contrast --------------------- pg. 7 - 8 c. Proximity -------------------- pg. 8 d. Alignment ------------------- pg. 8 - 9 e. Limited Recognition ------ pg. 9 IV. Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 9 - 11 V. Work Cited --------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 12 VI. Appendix ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 13 VII. Interview #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 14 - 15 VIII. Interview #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 16 – 17 IX. Interview #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 18 – 19 Introduction The psychology of color as it relates to persuasion is one of the most interesting and most controversial aspects of marketing. Using the right colors to promote a business during a marketing and advertising campaign is extremely important...
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