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Why Sex Work Isn T Work Analysis

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Nussbaum declares that prostitution is comparable to other common jobs such as a chicken factory worker, a domestic servant, a nightclub singer, a professor, a masseuse and a colonoscopy artist. However, I would like to challenge this. If prostitution were to be considered a valid job, it would have to meet the OSHA standards for worker safety, sexual harassment, and civil rights; yet, it does not. As a result of this, I believe that Watson is correct with regards to whether or not "sex work" is true work. She takes a unique route on prostitution by building on the Nordic model through the lens of worker safety, sexual harassment, and civil rights. Watson states in "Why Sex Work isn't Work" that no one chooses the occupation of prostitution. Instead, one is forced into the selling of their body for money due to poverty, homelessness, drug abuse, or mental health issues. I will …show more content…
Instead, the Nordic model should be put in place to criminalize the purchase of sex, yet decriminalize the act of selling sex itself.

Have you ever seen a dentist reach into a patient's mouth without any gloves on? What about a doctor undergoing surgery without a face mask? If these professionals are working in a safe environment, the answer to these questions should be no. However, what about prostitution? A prostitute wearing gloves or a face mask is unheard of. So, if prostitution is a "real occupation", why are the safety standards non-existent compared to all other jobs? In order for an occupation to be considered legitimate, it must meet the Worker Safety guidelines. In "Why Sex Work Isn't Work", Watson states that prostitution is not safe for the client nor the prostitute herself. The major conversation about the safety of prostitutes and their clients is the use of condoms. The OSHA states that "All procedures involving blood or other potentially infectious materials shall be performed in such a manner as to minimize splashing, spraying, spattering, and

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