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Why Water Is Key to Beating Poverty"


Submitted By widyaliu
Words 498
Pages 2
Joshua Zachary
ENG 102

Cite : "Why Water Is Key to Beating Poverty (Opinion) -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.

Summary : "Why water is key to beating poverty"

According to an April 16, 2015 news article in the CNN, "Why water is key to beating poverty," discusses about extreme poverty is caused by lack of access to sanitation. Poverty is one of the results of human inequality. As the matter of fact, the article shows that, "748 million people around the world do not have access to clean water. And 2.5 billion people do not have access to basic sanitation."(CNN) CNN found that one of the most ideal approaches to address global issue specifically extreme poverty is to provide access to clean water and sanitation to the poor. Furthermore, access to clean water and sanitation will protect people from diseases such as Ebola and Cholera. United States, which the key global leader in funding for water and sanitation programs, participates in an investment project to end poverty. By increasing funding for water and sanitation programs, United States believe that they can help people to stay healthy and decrease the chance of having Ebola and Cholera diseases. In addition, by expanding interest in critical water and sanitation programs, the United States can keep on exhibiting its leadership abroad.

Website :

The article "Why water is key to beating poverty" was published in a website named CNN on April 16, 2015. According to Wikipedia, "The Cable News Network (CNN) is an American basic cable and satellite television channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System division of Time Warner." In addition, CNN was the first all-news television channel in the United States. relies heavily on global news that features the latest multimedia technologies. The article was edited by Dick Durbin and Pete Wentz. Dick Durbin is the senior U.S. senator from Illinois and Pete Wentz is a member of Fall Out Boy. Dick Durbin was the second highest position in the Democratic Party Leadership in Senate and he never writes a book. As you can see the word .com at the end of CNN which means it is a commercial company. CNN has one goal that is to enhance and simplify online news for consumers to allow them to access and interact with their information in more ways than ever before. Since the article is about what's happening lately, I think an update is necessary in the future. The information appears to be reliable because it has a clear explanation about why water can be a solution to beat poverty. Moreover, the information seems accurate because the related person (Pete Wentz) was there during the information was taken. Ultimately, the article shows complete and accurate information while the other sources only provide basic overview without explaining the main reason of the problem.

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