...The Giver by Lois Lowry 1 It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened. No. Wrong word, Jonas thought. Frightened meant that deep, sickening feeling of something terrible about to happen. Frightened was the way he had felt a year ago when an unidentified aircraft had overflown the community twice. He had seen it both times. Squinting toward the sky, he had seen the sleek jet, almost a blur at its high speed, go past, and a second later heard the blast of sound that followed. Then one more time, a moment later, from the opposite direction, the same plane. At first, he had been only fascinated. He had never seen aircraft so close, for it was against the rules for Pilots to fly over the community. Occasionally, when supplies were delivered by cargo planes to the landing field across the river, the children rode their bicycles to the riverbank and watched, intrigued, the unloading and then the takeoff directed to the west, always away from the community. 第 1 页 共 102 页 http://www.en8848.com.cn/ 原版英语阅读网 But the aircraft a year ago had been different. It was not a squat, fat-bellied cargo plane but a needle-nosed single-pilot jet. Jonas, looking around anxiously, had seen others- adults as well as children- stop what they were doing and wait, confused, for an explanation of the frightening event. Then all of the citizens had been ordered to go into the nearest building and stay there. IMMEDIATELY, the rasping voice through the speakers had said. LEAVE YOUR BICYCLES...
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...Hector Cervantes February 22, 2011 Mrs. Guerard 4th period We Are Born With Evil In the everyday life we always witness some sort of cruel act inflicted by a human on to another. Cruel actions range from people verbally to physically hurting others. We ask ourselves why people commit these acts. We tell ourselves that those are just the evil kind of people but like William Golding said “We are born with evil in us, and cruelty is a part of this.” This statement is true, we are all born with evil in us and we can all be cruel. It’s in our nature, something we cannot rid ourselves of. Although evil is in our nature, we can do our best and avoid it. First reason why I agree with Golding’s statement is because he shows how everyone has evil in them through a realistic case scenario. In Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies, the kids were young, their ages ranged from 5 years old to around 12 years old. These kids started as innocent boys but later transformed into little savages. You wouldn’t think 5 year old boys would have the guts to hunt for their own food or even know how to hunt but these kids did. These kids prove that we are born with evil in us because they weren’t thought how to hunt but they knew how because it’s in their nature. We don’t do it because it is uncivil and inhumane like. People might use the character, Simon to argue that not everyone is evil because in the book Simon never really did anything cruel. Although Simon never showed a sign of him becoming...
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...effects their life. Many wonder why they act so differently from their siblings. Parents want to know why Sally is a straight A student, but little Jack cannot get anything higher than a C if his life depended on it. Who we become and what we accomplish in our lives is all up to us, nobody decides our fate but ourselves. Our birth order is the order in which are placed into this world. Everyone is born into a family, whether we come first, second or even fifth is out of our control. There are certain traits that tend to follow each one of the positions in birth order. Whether we like it or not, where we are born in the family line up has some effect on us all throughout our lives. From the time we are born, our tiny baby minds are absorbing every piece of information we can possibly find. Our personalities take shape in these early years, and one thing that surrounds us in this time is our family; they take care of us and teach us all the things we will need to survive. Our family shapes our personality no matter if we want it to or not, they will have some effect on how we act, speak and even how we present ourselves. First borns tend to be the golden children. They are the first to come and everything they do is new to the parents. They are the first to walk, talk and to make parents hearts melt. Their baby book is packed full of every move they make and every cute baby sound they ever mutter. Parents tend to never set the first born down, they want to learn everything...
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...from what we learn in life or if we are born with them. There are always two questions to a subject we have been wondering for years. How come one of the twins like football and the other twin hates that sport? Sometimes we are born with a different type of attitude from one of our siblings. We would either get it from one of our parents or from one of our peers we have been hanging out with from the outside world. If you have a nasty attitude towards your parents or other people, everyone will wonder which parent they got it from. It is not only the parents, it is also from who the young child is hanging around with and what they are learning from the peer. Many people wonder why we behave the way we do and why we behave differently compared to our family members. It is what they call nature and nurture. Nature is a trait of what we are with and what is passed down genetically. Nature gives us our eye and hair color, what we like to eat, how our smile looks and shape of our body. Nurture is personal experience. We aren’t born with a blank personality, we learn from either our parents or peers. It is the causes of our behaviors and characteristics. Genes may give us a little boost on how our personality starts, but from the environment from the outside world has the power to make us the exact opposite. Before psychology class, I have also been wondering for a while why I and some of my siblings are different from one another. I felt at first it is because of whom we have been...
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...Chapter One What It Means To Be To be Born Again 1. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: 2. The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 3. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 7. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. John 3:1-3,7. In this passage, Jesus had a discussion with a man called Nicodemus. Jesus was at home one night when Nicodemus came to him. Nicodemus was a very important person in town. He could have been a Member of Parliament or the Chairman of the Metropolitan Assembly. Perhaps, he was a patron of the Methodist Church, the Catholic Church or the Lighthouse Church. He was a very important person. The Bible says he was a ruler of the Jews, a master of Israel, a leader in the synagogues. Nicodemus would not come to see Jesus during the day. He came at night, so that all the people who respected him would not see him. This prominent Jewish leader said something to Jesus, which prompted Him to give an interesting reply. When you look at the passage, you wonder why Jesus said all that he said to the man. After all, Nicodemus did not ask him, “How can I go to heaven?” He said to Jesus, “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou...
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...Is there a single definition of personality? If so, what is it? If not, why? There is no single correct definition of personality because there are contradicting theories of personality. For example one theorist might believe that personality is innate and that people are born with certain personalities. Another theorist might believe that personality is shaped based on the environment an individual is raised in or other social factors. For this reason theorists have not been able to come up with a single definition. Why is it important to understand personality? It is important to understand personality because it is important to know why people behave and react in certain ways and why people act the way they do toward other people. For example, in a work environment it would be important to understand personality because lets say you work in an environment where every one differs with their personalities. Most people at work would not get anything done and there would be constant arguments. What factors affect an individual’s personality development? Which factor has the biggest effect? Why? Some of the factors that play a role in a person’s development of personality are biological, environmental, and experiences. Biological factors include our genes and what we basically received from our parents. Certain traits may be from the mother and other might be from the father. Both the genetic makeup and the physical traits are tendencies that are innate that...
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...also be seen in more so than most with the writer who writes about the ills of a society to bring it to the forefront of the people’s mind. It is in these ways and others that the three artists that we will be looking at have had an effect on the world around them, but before we look at that we should look at the people themselves. The first person we will be examining is the visual artist Chuck Close who was born in 1940 and is part of the Photorealism...
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...weekends. It was just my sister and me until my brother was born at my mom's in 2007 and then my other brother was born at my dads also in 2007. It was just the 4 of us until 2014 when my youngest brother was born at my dad's house. My sister and I went back and forth from my mom’s during the week and my dad's on the weekend for about 12 years. My sister and I always liked it at my mom's better than my dads. Why we like it at my mom’s is because we like how my mom cares and doesn't blame everything on my sister and me. Why we didn't like it at my dads is because he always blames everything on my sister and I,...
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...Why do people call Christmas? The word “Christmas” derives from an Old English term that dates back to 1038: “Cristes Maesse.” The term literally means “the mass of Christ,” which is evidence of its Catholic roots.[1] “Mass” comes from the Latin missa, and refers to the service of Eucharist, or the Lord’s Supper. To the Protestant ear, Mass is best understood as a daily service of prayers in which Christians partake of the Lord’s supper, and the “mass of Christ” was specially devoted to the celebration of Christ’s birth. Christian celebrate Christmas because it is jesus birthday and jesus die for us. These days, one of the questions I often receive about Jesus has to do with his marital status. This question didn’t just drop out of heaven, however. It was born of the popularity of Dan Brown’s controversial novel, The Da Vinci Code. This novel advocates the thesis that Jesus was in fact married to the woman we know as Mary Magdalene, that they had a child together, and that this “truth” was covered up by the church for self-serving reasons. Many readers of The Da Vinci Code, believing the fictional history of the novel to be true, have been buzzing about the possibility of Jesus’ having been married. The people in the story is Joseph Adam Jesus god David eve ibraham lkdsjasjssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss [pic] 0 Why do people call Christmas? The word “Christmas” derives from an Old English term that dates back to 1038: “Cristes Maesse.” The term literally...
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...person in the future. When a child is born is that child already destined to be like his/her parents? When our parents, siblings, or friends make mistakes do we learn from them? Do we change ourselves to be better because of the things in life that go on? Can we in a way choose our own destiny or does fate decide for us? In “I Stand Here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen, the daughter was born with a disability/illness. The mother did nothing to make her have this illness. The daughter was going to have it when she was born no matter what the mother did. The mother did not have this illness, so in this way she was not fated to be like her mom. Although this doesn’t mean the daughter was completely different then the mother, she could have acted the same maybe had the same personality as her mother. The personality that a child is born with is not necessarily going to be there personality for the rest of their life. As you grow older you change and is changes with you. When you meet new people you sometimes want to be like them so you will change your way of doing things to be like them, where at other times you meet people you don’t want to be like so you do everything you can not to be like them. Do the people we love most make mistakes, even if we don’t realize it at the time it happens? When they do, do we look back and try to make ourselves better because of it? Do the things around us, and the environment we live in change what we do? We each as individual have our strengths...
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...Given our history, plus all the other obstacles we went through, isn’t it natural for our founding fathers to want what’s in Americas best interest? After a long arduous fight against Great Britain we achieved our independence. The next step was to make a guideline for this country to follow. While doing it, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington, better known as our founding fathers wrote the constitution for the United States. One very crucial part which determines the fate of a country is its leadership. Upon great contemplation our founding fathers set up some requirements for our would-be presidents. According to Article II Section I Clause V of the constitution...
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...Entrepreneurs are born. Entrepreneurs are actually born. People are born with many inherent qualities, if they concentrate on that qualities then only that particular qualities would sharpen. Some qualities we would get from education & experience. Even if we concentrate on those particular qualities we would grow some level, but surely not grow to the entrepreneurship level. Though some, may be a few people who have been associated with people from the entrepreneurs level from long span of time, would learn & grow to that level. Learning is also an art with some people born with it. They are indeed born. Like in other areas like sports, technology etc. there are certain inherent skills needed to be ingrained in a person for him/her to succeed in their chosen field. If it was easy to acquire skills and become an entrepreneur the whole world would have turned to that and we wouldn’t have a recession or other such problems. To be an entrepreneur, one needs to have a certain amount of killer instinct and risk taking ability. A man went into a great city and asked an old man, where are these leaders born? The old man replied no leaders are born here only babies are born. BORN - According to me, attitude is the most important personal characteristic, and one that cannot be trained. The attitude of the entrepreneur affects the early success of the venture; the same attitude needs to be present in the firm’s employees to continue the entrepreneurial energy that creates competitive...
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...behind why immigrants migrate to the U.S and I will tell you why they mean no harm to the United States. Illegal immigration is not a threat to America's national security. They come to the U.S for a better life. Second reason is because illegal immigrants decrease criminal rate. Last reason is that by blocking them, it will not make them go away. Immigrants come to the United States for a reason. The that they want a better life. They are leaving their country because of the problems their countries are having. Issitt Micah L. stated that "immigrants leave their countries of origin for a variety...
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...a polish sixteen year old currently living in the United States. Ola was born in Poland but moved here at the age of five. Interview: 1.Your definition of culture? Answer: Beliefs, customs and arts of a particular society. 2.How do you define family? Answer: Family is people who you care about and would do anything for. 3. Who holds the most “status” in your family? Why? Answer: My dad; he is the main person that receives income. 4. How do you define success? Answer: Success is a moment where you have completed your goal. 5. Do you consider your parents to be successful? Answer: I believe they are extremely successful because they came here from Poland and started fresh and created several of their own company’s. 6. How important is education in your family? Answer: Education is very important. My mom is constantly checking my grades and if my homework is completed. 7. Is punctuality important to you? Why or why not? Answer: Yes because I believe if you are early you are on time, and if you are on time you are late, and if you are late you are dead. 8. What is the most important meal of the day? Answer: Dinner is the most important meal because it is spent with family. I spend at least five nights a week with my family for dinner. 9. Do you eat foods that are indigenous to your culture? Why or why not? If yes, name some. Answer: Yes because it is important to my family and we are very into our culture. My favorite food is pirogue. I love cooking that...
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...environment we are surrounded by that determines the characteristics of us human beings. I think its safe to say that society accepts the fact that our genes establish biological factors such as our height, blood type eye color etc. What about our social behavior? Genes explain anatomy of a human being but they don’t explain why some people act the way they do. It can’t explain why some people are smarter then others, why people are more violent then others or why some people choose to be homosexual. Those types of social characteristics are determined strictly by your surroundings. Our society, environment, education and parental/neighborhood behavior are part of what makes us who we are. Genes can determine how you look but can’t determine how you act. Homosexuality is a hot topic of debate among us in today’s world. From same-sex marriage to Gays and Lesbians adopting children with their partners; there is a lot of ethical questions to be answered when it comes to those topics. When trying to answer these questions we need to get to the root of the issue, is homosexuality a choice or is it something you are born into? Nature or Nurture? Some popular arguments that I will be critiquing in this paper in support of gay marriage are as follows: 1. Homosexuality is a result of genetic and biological factors. 2. Homosexuality is god-given. Homosexuality is a result of genetic and biological factors that result in a child being gay. Children are born gay and have...
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