...begins to wail again. You find this interesting. You might not see it, but the baby is acting very selfishly. Just wanting to get your attention when he is perfectly fine. He needs nothing but still cries for you when you are dying for only a few minutes of sleep. Babies are just an example of how the human species is naturally selfish even at birth. Since the day humans are born, they are brought into...
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...God and how …”God was not born and always remains the same, he can do anything, as far as depends on himself.” (Irenaeus of Lyon pg. 23) God created things to be lesser than him and how everything needs to have a beginning to learn and grow. God could have created things to be perfect but he needed people to figure things out for themselves to raise a true heart to then be blessed and receive God upon death. Irenaeus of Lyon uses good and evil as references in his presentation and how everything is born with the understanding of good and evil and need to be tempted by this evil to find a true good. “By grasping the nature of what is opposed to the sweet and good, it will never again try to taste disobedience to God.” (Irenaeus of Lyon pg. 27) Gregory also uses the true of heart from scripture for his presentation over and over again; “Blessed are the pure at heart, for they shall see God.” (Gregory of Nyssa pg. 29) He references the apostles and how they say “for no one can see God and live” (Gregory of Nyssa pg. 29) How there is a promised blessedness throughout both presentations through the discovery of self and awareness of self. Wisdom is big in the presentation of Gregory of Nyssa. “It is possible, through the wisdom perceptible in all things, to perceive aptly him who made all things in wisdom.” (Gregory of Nyssa pg. 32) He states that if people examine creation and its order we can understand some of this wisdom and if not then maybe we can understand God himself...
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...Can we be born evil or is it something developed by the environment around us? Researchers have conducted experiments on this very question, and more often than not, have found surprising results each time. Each of those times though, a common consensus being that we all have the capacity to commit the unimaginable, but it takes a certain environment and people to bring it out in us. While some interpret that those who are evil are born that way, evil is something that is developed over time by their individual environment and the people within it. It’s entirely possible to be born with traits that give us the potential to be evil. In William Harms article “Psychopaths are not Neurally Equipped to have Concern for Others” he reports a study done by University of Chicago that took 80 prisoners between ages 18 and 50 and tested for levels of psychopathy using standard measures. The results showed: The participants in the high psychopathy group exhibited significantly less activation in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, lateral orbitofrontal cortex, amygdala and periaqueductal gray parts of the brain, but more activity in the striatum and the insula when compared to control participants. This latter region is important for monitoring ongoing behavior, estimating consequences and incorporating emotional learning into moral decision-making, and plays a fundamental role in empathic concern and valuing the well-being of others(Harms, 2013). The study showed that the parts of...
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...Overcome Evil Mankind has been born into sin ever since the fall of Adman and Eve. The elements of sin, such as sadness, guilt, sorrow, shame, and pain were never intended in the beginning of creation. Unfortunately since man has fallen into sin every man is born a sinner. There is nothing that we can do to stop ourselves being born into sin. Sin is what separated us from God and in some ways can do that today. This is why everyone feels dark oppressions of sin at some point in time in their lives. As natural catastrophes, wars, and disease carry on in our world. These are natural evils that exist in our world. Most of which, are not the act of God doing so, but He allows it willing for his purpose and glory. The Lord in many ways will allow evil to bring us as believes closer to him. An analogy for this is like working out. For most people it is an extremely difficult and painful task, but it is was builds our bodies to make us stronger. The same thing goes with our faith in the Lord. He will allow evil things in our lives to bring us to prayer, the word and just seeking him. A perfect illustration of bad things that happens in our lives and in the world is through the book of Job. Job in every way was faithful to God even when he was put to the test. The Lord allowed Satan to remove all of his children and all of his worldly possessions. Through this it was to display the Lord’s glory. Everything that Job went through was temporary. This was a test to prove to Satan...
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...It is said that the conception of evil is controversial. The definitions of evil are explained differently in both ordinary and in a particular field such as ethics. The questions we mostly concern about are whether or not there are actual evil persons and how they look like or the reasons make them become evil persons. In this essay, firstly I will discuss two main factors including circumstances and luck, which are concerned as have essential influence on people’s attitude and behaviour in order to perform actions. Secondly, I will demonstrate whether evil persons should be condemned or blameworthy. Finally, I will indicate another factor which was mentioned in Russell’s article is subject’s autonomy because I think it can be considered as the significant factor in order to decide whether a subject is evil person or not. Before discussing the two factors, circumstance and luck, it is important to understand what evil persons and evil actions are in different accounts. It can be said that there is a relation between evil action and evil person. But what we are judging here is evil action, not evil person though evil action can make an even ordinary person become an evil person and it seems that only evil persons can carry out evil actions. According to psychological thin account, evil action is considered as evil if it is culpable wrong and connect to the extreme harm, whereas psychological thick account adds another point to this, is evil action also encounter with the combination...
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...and found out that one of the child’s parents was a murderer. She then sought the advice of an old friend who was a doctor, because she wanted to know if it were true that a person could be born a bad seed. I thought about this film when a debate rose up in my humanities class as to whether or not a person is born good or evil. Then I thought about this question in my mind and wondered what science has to say about this question? Is there scientific proof or physical evidence that supports the theory that a person is born good or evil? I have always believed that everyone was born evil. I believed this because that is what the Bible teaches. As a Christian, my beliefs are deeply rooted in what the Bible teaches. It teaches us that the first man was Adam and that all of mankind derived from Adam. The Bible then tells us that we all are born into sin because of Adam’s transgression, and sin is evil. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23 New King James Version). In order to become good, according to the Bible, we must become believe in Jesus, and become Christians. This is what I have been taught most of my life and it is what I believe. I also don’t believe that there is any physical evidence to would support the theory that someone is good or evil. I believe these behaviors come from the spirit of a person and are not the result of birth or science. My journey in academics has not made me question my beliefs, but it has caused me...
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...There has been a lot of confusion about whether human nature is good or evil. Confucius believed that “all people [h]ave a duty to observe the rites and rituals handed by their ancestors” (Mencius 94). Two of Confucius’s followers, Mencius and Hsun Tzu had different views on his belief. Mencius believed that man is “[i]nherently good and with proper training could be perfect” (94). However, Tzu believed that man is “[i]nerently evil and required rites to keep them in check (Mencius 94). Looking back thought out history evil has always been naturally inside of us due to our selfishness, disregard for authority and our greediness. Man is only aware of his own needs, wants, pain, and pleasures. In “Examples of Selfish People,” Taylor describes...
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...The question of whether humans were born evil or good has been around for ages. It has ranged from religion, to philosophers like Hobbes and Rousseau, to literature, like The Lord of The Flies by William Golding. In the novel, a group of English schoolboys are stranded on an island, and after attempting to set up a government and fail, they revert to their base instincts, to savagery. When civilization is stripped off from us, our true inner self is revealed, the savagery, and socially constructed ‘evil’ we decided to label. We as a society are ruled by our base instincts, and are only wearing a coat of civilization that keeps us sane. In the documentary 13th, educated people all come together to call out the flaws in the United States government; pointing out its corruption, especially within the presidency. Presidents have been known to force mass incarceration (Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and even Bill Clinton), and there are bystanders there who allow such laws to pass. This Bystander Effect is the root of this evil. It is as natural as it can become, simply no action done to change an otherwise imperfect world. We look up to the government and always expect that it is doing the...
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...Conscience, a tyrant that we battle with daily in our minds. It’s full of desires, cravings, and needs. Every passing second of our lives, our conscience is talking to us. Every thought, decision, and an idea is made with the help of conscience. Think of how much impact something used virtually in everything has on our daily lives. Conscience is the key to good and bad. Human conscience is naturally inclined to good. We were born with good intention, we use power for good intentions, and without those good intentions, humanity wouldn't have ever been created. Babies are the purest form of human innocence. They have minimal exposure to the world, therefore, they have no stored information about what’s right or wrong. Babies are humans with...
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...chaotic wars. Even on to this very day, evil ambition courses through our veins during our daily lives. Is it possible that we as mankind are inherently evil? Thomas Hobbies suggested: “that human being always act egoistically” (Williams, n.d.). Although might one say that man is only evil when expose to such unfortunate environment. Such as today, were violent is shown everywhere on the media, therefore corrupting one’s mind to do deviant deeds. However, in the Amish community where there are no media, no electronics that will expose them with temptation and isolated from the outside world but their small community, and evil ambitions still rages on by the cause of man’s natural emotions and their instinct to abide to their fulfillment. Therefore, Mankind’s is Inherently Evil, by the cause of one’s instinct to react to a certain situation by their emotions....
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...What is evil? “Evil” is defined in the dictionary as “morally bad” or “causing harm or injury to someone” (Merriam-Webster). Is this really what evil is? Is there only one source of evil or are there many? Could evil be something that people choose, or are people born that way? Is it possible that evil could be connected to someone’s environment, genetics, and spiritual beliefs? Recent events such as the terrorist attacks in Paris show that there really is evil in the world.Experiments like Milgrim’s and Stanford is prime evidence that evil can be chosen and that it can’t just be blamed on physical defects. Through examining these various theories of “evil” and the memoir Night, we can see that evil is a very complex issue and that it can come from more than one thing such as physical defects, the way someone is raised/the environment they are in, and lastly...
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...The existence of evil is one of the world’s most vexing challenges. Most Christians agree on the existence of an omnipotent God, however like Augustine, we struggle to understand how evil comes into being. Evil corrupts our free will and enables us to sin, but if God is all-powerful and all good, how can he allow this to happen? “Whence comes evil? Was there a certain evil matter out of which he made these things? Did he form and fashion it, but yet leave within it something that he would not convert into good? Why would he do it? Was he powerless to turn and change all this matter so that no evil would remain in it, even though he is all powerful?” As these questions found their way into Augustine’s mind, they also manage to exist and remain unanswered for most people today. However Augustine addresses these questions by justifying evil in this world with God’s creation of free will. By granting us free will God makes us responsible for our wrongdoings, as a result of this we can knowingly choose either right or wrong. In the infamous biblical passage on the creation of original sin, God accommodates men by giving Adam and Eve all the necessities of life: partnership, water, food and land. However, despite God’s warning Eve chose to eat the fruit from the tree of life. The serpent persuades Eve who later convinces Adam to eat from the tree. From this persuasion and act from men, original sin is born. Men are now born with a predisposition to sin; in other words, they can knowingly...
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...on Elphaba, a young woman who is born green and thus is an outsider. Her different appearance leads the people of Oz to misjudge her. As the characters journey through Oz, they develop the courage to overcome stereotypes and realize the true meaning of friendship. The characters in Wicked grapple with moral dilemmas and ethics in a way that is unique among Broadway shows. At the heart of the show are important and relevant questions about tolerance: Does “tolerance” mean that we should respect and treat kindly those who are different from us, or has it been redefined to mean that we should not “tolerate” anyone with whom we disagree? In the same way, Wicked probes the question of good and evil. Can we ever judge anyone as evil? Is there any objective source that defines good and evil or are they strictly matters of one’s personal feelings and opinion? Can we say it is wrong to scapegoat girls born green and talking animals for one’s own political gain? Can we say anything is ever wrong or is that “judging” and being “intolerant” of those whose motives, behavior and goals may not be valid in our personal opinions? This charming musical also raises the issue of propaganda and the manipulation of the citizens of Oz. All of us now live in a world where the media is pervasive and drives our popular culture. Wicked raises questions that will inspire all of us to assess our own sources of information and how we respond to the media influences...
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...Evil, A Contracted Behavior Are we as humans born malignant or is it the way that we are raised that shapes our conscious? Throughout our existence philosophers and great thinkers such as Aristotle, Marx, and Socrates have excogitated the answer to this age old question. The answer of this question could explain the wicked crimes of merciless killers and terrorists. Using evidence found throughout history, it is clear that people are not born evil but their childhood, life experiences, and pressure from society are what cultivate evil intentions. Looking at historical figures and events, it seems that malicious intentions most frequently develop during childhood. During adolescence, the developing brain is easily shaped by what it experiences. For example, Mao Zedong, the first communist leader of The Peoples Republic of China, developed malicious and controlling intentions because his own father would beat him for personal enjoyment. and mentally break him down as punishment. His actions killed millions because of his overly ambitious plans that he executed without thought of his own people. His childhood trauma had made him void of all emotion and lacking empathy making him a danger to his citizens. Another example of a poor childhood is the former leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, who was executed for his crimes against humanity in 2006. He was raised by his mother in poverty, beaten and abused by his stepfather and step siblings. His sociopathic behavior towards the people...
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... | Saadia Farhat PHIL 116 Professor Miceli May 1, 2010 Is God required as the basis for Ethical Justification? As I started to outline this paper and trying to separate my feelings and thoughts on the subject, as I wanted to write an impartial paper, I discovered many interesting facts. I believed there were two sides: Side A believing in God and with the platform that faith is needed to guide humans and provide proper morality, and Side B believing that God is not needed in the equations as we are masters of our destiny. Sounds simple right the faithful versus the atheist, I found out I was wrong. It seems there were more sides than I had anticipated. There are those who believe in God and we must follow his rules on morality that was set upon us. On the same coin there are those who are faithful but believe God gave us the choice on what we think is right and wrong, and we must choose to them there were no prewritten...
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