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Why We Should Protect Florida Wetlands

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One of the main reasons we should save the wetlands is because we need them. They soak up excess water and help clean up water left behind by floods. wetlands also provide a habitat for animals including 50% of federally listed and endangered animals. wetlands also clean our left over water, the plants filter the the leftover water and convert it to a less harmful substance. Although wetlands are great at filtering water they can't do it all, stuff like industrial waste,sewage and storm water runoff they can't clean it out. One thing that really angers and confuses me is why pepole build over them in the first place. Its’ hard to build over them, the places will sink, its messy and its ruining the environment why?! According to the state of florida wetlands were once thought to be useless …show more content…
There are more threats to wetlands than the waste humans produce, now we know that wetlands are greatly affected by small water allegations. Small changes in water levels or the influx of pollutants can greatly affect the functions of wetlands. There are many ways of minimizing the damages done to wetlands here are a few ways we (with the help of the city or state) can help prevent sewage and industrial waste on docks use building materials that don't give off toxic materials or allow light in, this one is a no-brainer help retain and detain runoff it helps reduce pollutants from this source. Now here are some ways YOU can help, when you're done with washing your car dispose of ato fluids, don't use fertilizer or pesticide as much when tending to your lawn and much much more. There are many companies trying to save wetlands buy buying them one good example is D.U.C.K.S they buy parts of wetlands to save the ducks in that area. The state government also does this but in much larger quantities. just to compare a company like ducks maybe (this is a complete guess) 10 to 20 acres, while the state government can buy hundreds of

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