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Why We Should Start Later

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How much sleep do we get each night, when we have school the next morning? I am for school staring later. Teenagers get less sleep because we have to continue to get up early in the morning. There are many reasons why we should start school later. Some are because there are many activities like sports, or even jobs that can keeps teens up later. We should start school later because children are not alert and are not comprehending what they are learning during the day. Also, we need at least 8.5 hours of sleep each night. First, activities like sports and jobs keep us up later. Even having activities to do you have to squeeze the time in to do homework which keeps us up later. Also when you hit the stages of adolescents it is physically harder to fall asleep. And still schools start as early as 7:00 a.m. With school starting that early it really takes a toll …show more content…
Tired teens have a higher risk of depression, anxiety, and sickness. If we start school later teens and middle schoolers have seem an increase in test scores especially in reading and math. My last reason, is teens need at least 8.5 hours of sleep each night. If we push back the time school starts teens will be happier and they will be in better physical shape. One other piece of back up information would be teens are a lot healthier which makes them get better grades. If we don't start school later teens will continue or start getting bad grades, they won't be as healthy, and they won't be in good physical shape. All in all, I believe that school should start later. It should start later because kids will get better grades,they will be more alert in the morning, and they will be able to comprehend what they're learning better. All of us should take a stand and try to make school start later. Next time the question of school starting later will you take a stand and say yes to kids being able to comprehend more and get better

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