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Wild By Michael Lipschutz Essay

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Every day, millions of people around the world, use a means of transportation to go from their homes to their place of occupation or enjoyment. Sometimes people just follow the same patterns day after day from when they wake up in the morning too when they go to sleep, with no other change in daily activity other than their food choices. People make these choices to better suit their lives and help pave their future. Why do people move from place to place so frequently? Or better yet, people should be asking them selves, “Why do we travel”? In two separate reading pieces this semester, Michael Lipschutz noticed a strange connection in the motivation behind people’s reason to travel in the novel “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed, and the essay “A Supposedly …show more content…
Strayed takes on the PCT all by herself, and she feels that “alone had always felt like an actual place to me, as if it weren’t a state of being, but rather a room where I could retreat to be who I really am” (Strayed 119). Being alone is not something Strayed had experienced before in life. Once alone with nature, she develops her own sense of how to find herself and how to drive herself to succeed. As she traveled her PCT trail, she regained her strength, charisma, and self-awareness, and her sudden travel and life choices began to show a purpose, and that motivation of travel was for getting rid of her stress and reshaping who she was as a person. Cheryl came to understand that “much of being able to hike the PCT depended …show more content…
The self-motivated men were driven to travel across the state by hopes of robbing the family’s safe and collecting a large sum of money. (GREED & Immorality

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