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Native American Adolescents

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Poverty, education and unemployment are all interconnected in the Native American community. The number of dropouts among Native American youth is exceptionally high with a graduation rate “46% lower than the graduation rates for all ethnic groups” (Stumblingbear-Riddle & Romans, 2012). These low graduation rates are accompanied by an unemployment rate of “50% or higher” and a poverty rate of 30% on Native American reservations (Mileviciute, Trujillo, Gray, & Scott 2013). These conditions can greatly affect adolescents’ learning environment quality and their ability to become thriving individuals. Even when varied levels of education were found, job opportunities of equal caliber were not attainable on reservations (Kaufman, Beals, Croy, Jiang, …show more content…
Native American adolescents develop a sense of pride and belonging by taking part in their culture (Brockie, Dana-Sacco, Wallen, Wilcox, & Campbell, 2015). Taking part in cultural activities was confirmed to greatly benefit adolescents, lowering “substance use, stronger antidrug norms and increased resiliency” by researchers (Soto et al., 2015). The constructive aspects of such group activities were supported by a study on the healthy development of adolescents, where researchers Meschke et al., (2012) stated that “structured activities with peers are most beneficial in promoting prosocial behavior”, which can help them succeed in society. Native American adolescents can use their tribal identity to shield them from other harmful occurrences on the reservation, strengthening their goals for the future. This form of cultural identification helped to “lower levels of hopelessness” among reservation dwelling Native Americans when compared to natives living off the reservation in one study (Stumblingbear-Riddle & Romans, 2012). A sense of identity is important for the development of adolescence as Erik Erickson’s fifth stage of development, identity vs. role confusion emphasizes (Meschke et al., 2012). Tribal identity enhances the “overall wellbeing, positive self-concept, collective identity, sense of belonging, and positive relationships with family and community members” of Native American …show more content…
The adversities that Native American adolescents face on reservations greatly affect how they develop in terms of the identity and habits they acquire on their way to adulthood. The drug, crime and poverty rates accompanied with unemployment and high instances of unfinished educations on reservations normalize and contribute to an unhealthy and dangerous living and learning environment. Discrimination was shown to be a large concern for Native Americans and contributed to many emotions that led to both aggression and depression, emotions which were also associated with many of the other problems of reservation life. These negative influences lead to violent crimes, substance abuse and other unhealthy experiences for individuals of any age. The stressful, emotionally and physically tolling experiences on reservations also have a long-lasting effect on adolescents’ ability to thrive in adulthood. Although the positives of community and family support and tribal identity combat these barriers, the emotional stressors and other pressures on reservations are hard for Native American adolescents to overcome in order to develop in a functional and healthy

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