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What Does Leadership Mean To You

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Discuss what leadership means to you and give your definition of leadership. Leadership to me would consist of three different aspects. First a little bit of King Arthur and the roundtable where everyone’s observations thoughts and even complaints matter. But, also having a definite leader who can show the individuals whom they are responsible for, how to do things the right way, through their teachings and their actions, is vital. Second a little bit of the Three Musketeers, one for all and all for one. We are all in the same boat, we sink or float together. An organization, company, or business is only as strong as all of the members, as a whole, from the bottom to the top. And third I believe a leader who can surround themselves with individuals who all have different strengths and abilities could more effectively accomplish goals, tasks, and jobs. With members who all bring something different and important to the table makes for a healthy well rounded organization. Based on the interviews you conducted with others about leadership, how would you incorporate others’ ideas about leadership into your own leadership? There are two very distinct ideas that I would like to incorporate into my own leadership which not only caught my attention, but also rang true for me while I was conducting my leadership …show more content…
I am always doubting myself which leads to self-confident issues. I guess in mind they are the same. I see this problem causing issues in many aspects of my life. I believe the more I do something or study something the more confident with it I will become. So, with tasks I can keep doing them until I have done them the way I feel that they are being done accurately and efficiently. I also believe that the more knowledge I can obtain about a subject or action the more confidently I can teach, talk, or perform

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