...participative leader. Participative leadership boosts employee morale because employees make contributions to the decision-making process. A person whose leadership style is participative then he has the ability to quickly build flexibility and responsibility and he can help to identify new ways to handle stressful situations. The autocratic leadership style can also be said dictatorship. They allow managers to make decisions alone without the input of others. Managers possess total authority and impose their will on employees. No one challenges the decisions of autocratic leaders. So generally, staff have little opportunity to make suggestions, even if these would be in the team's or the organization's best interest. Autocratic style of leadership can be advantageous at a situation of emergency or stressful scenarios. The autocratic leader would be great as he would take the controls in his hand and would direct the workers to work to move forward. The advantage of autocratic leadership is that it's incredibly efficient. Decisions are made quickly, and work gets done. Laissez fair leader is a people who are use “delegate and disappear” management style such as they are dividing the task to their subordinate after than they will be disappear in the company. This is lead to their subordinate to be independence. The team member who is under this leader will very good in decision making skill. They are achieving low task and low relationship. This is because the leader is not...
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...his authority to enforce rules to his own benefit. They much rather lead than drive those they are responsible for. With that being said, an autocratic leadership style is an authoritarianism, where only one person has the right, and have total control of their company, workers, followers, or country. Their decisions is follow by the “golden rule” and should never be question or defied in anyway or shape perform. They plan and analyze everything allowing them with the ability to subordinate any work involved and apply their own rules The first advantage of an autocratic leadership is that it is effective in emergency situations. They also, work optimistically during difficulty and demanding situations. Specially, when circumstances ascend in a company or an organization. While the majority of individuals fail to distinguish or reach a solution. Therefor having an autocratic leader during tough situations is great, because he/she will take control and action in his/her own hands and will encourage the personnel or employees to move forward. For instance, Martha Stewart flourished in a competitive market in which she constructed her company with personal attention to every detail. Whether her employees like it or not, she was conscientious and dictatorial. She attained wealth and position her endeavor, and she applied her autocratic management...
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...subcategory of a consultative leader, where I gather input, but retain the final decision making authority. “Consultative leaders confer with group members before making a decision. However, they retain the final authority to make decisions” (Dubrin, 2010). I know that as a manager, I can be detached from everyday work that matters to the customers. This is where those whom I manage would be able to offer more insight on operations. Additionally, I am not well versed in every aspect of operations within a company, therefore, I would rely on experts in their fields, i.e., marketing, to provide insight. The openness of management with this style is a strength. As workers on the front line are involved with customers and daily operations, their feedback is valuable and real, it helps play a part in strategic planning. When employees know their opinions matter and that management is open to listening to them, they feel valuable and loyalty is strengthened. This style of leadership is fertile ground for a strong team. It encompasses shared leadership when working as a team, fosters consensus, and gives everyone ownership of the project and rewards. There are a couple weaknesses of this style. One is that it can often be time consuming, filled with team...
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...Self-Reflection - Leadership Development Many varied management and leadership philosophies exist and no single style or approach can be considered to be the ‘correct’ one. Regardless of management and leadership philosophies, self-reflection has played, and will continue to play, a significant role in the shaping of a managers leadership philosophy. Depending on the level of consciousness that a manager has in regards to self-reflection, along with how they communication their management and leadership philosophies, will affect their performance as a manager. Like all managers, my management and leadership philosophies have developed through experiences and the meaning assigned with these. The philosophies that I have previously employed have not always allowed me to adequately address a situation; however, by being reflective the experiences have expanded my knowledge base, resulting in refined management and leadership philosophies. Self-reflecting and communicating management and leadership philosophies is essential for managers in realising their personal potential due to the need to actively learn and interpret experiences for future use. Life experiences shape how individuals manage and lead due to the self-perceptions developed through these experiences. The traits, values and competencies associated with different experiences “dictate how people interpret their environment and what motivates them to act” (Brent and Matheny, 2000, p. 3). This important concept...
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...develop one all encompassing theory that would improve management’s effectiveness within an organization and methods for dealing with the challenges they faced (Hartman, n.d.). There are three primary “classical” theories: Scientific Management, Bureaucratic Management / Autocratic management, and Administrative Management. This paper will discuss the three primary management theories as well as discuss several other theories relating to some of the primaries, and some that were slight precursors to the classical movement such as Change Management and Autocratic Management (Sridhar, n.d.). Classical Perspective The oldest of the "formal" viewpoints of management emerged during the late nineteenth and came to be known as the classical perspective. The classical perspective roots in management occurred rapidly through expanding manufacturing organizations that typified U.S and European industrialization. Early contributions were made by management practitioners and theorist from several corners of the world (Eastern, n.d.). The classical perspective consists of three main subfields: 1. Scientific Management (by Frederick Taylor) 2. Bureaucracy Management (by Max Weber) 3. Administrative Management (by Henry Fayol) Scientific Management Theory In the 19th century machinery was changing the means of production, and managers needed to find more efficient ways of production. Traditional methods of production, where a worker did all the steps to manufacture a good, were...
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...Organization and management analysis HCS 514 Feb. 2015 Dr. Lisa Keener Organization and management analysis Organizational and management analysis are two crucial part of an organizational setting to overcome inefficiencies and identifying problems. In today’s world, characteristics of an organization like teamwork, information technology boundaries, and delegation in working environment shows impact on the effectiveness of organization and management. It affects the organization in terms of cost reduction, improved employee satisfaction, decrease in environmental waste, and also an increase in overall productivity (Liebler & McConnell, 2012). This paper includes a description of various organizational theories and compares management styles. It also comprises which organizational theory and management style resembles the most to my organization. Also, this paper includes an explanation for what could be changed to make my organization better. Organization and management analysis helps organizations in productivity improvement. Introduction Organizational analysis is the process of reviewing the work environment, development, personnel and operation of a business or other type of association related to an organization. Organizational analysis helps management in the identification of problems and inadequacies present in the company, and also find out the way to deal with them. Likewise, management analysis recommends techniques to improve an organization’s productivity...
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...appendices: 2432 Margaret Hellon M5.29 Introduction The company is a small-medium sized enterprise that has traded for 50 years. It employs approximately 75 staff ranging from labourers , site managers, middle management and senior management and directors. The business is very successful having traded for 50 years but maintains its’ small to medium sized enterprise status . This is possibly due to the fact it is a family run enterprise and the Director has maintained an equilibrium throughout prosperity and recession. This is mainly due to his astute business acumen and an unwillingness to expand too quickly fearing a collapse within itself should the business expand too quickly, as has happened to many of its’ competitors and rivals. The company has retained its staff with little or no turnover, this is mainly due to the prevailing leadership style and its current structure and the attitude of its’ staff as will be discussed later in this assignment. My role is varied, however, my main title is Sub-contract/Quality systems Manager. I have developed my role over the six years I have been employed with the company, after starting as a Purchase Ledger Clerk. I work in an accounts department of seven people, all having their own particular jobs. I have management status over my own departments. REVIEW THE PREVAILING LEADERSHIP STYLES IN THE ORGANISATION There are several theories of leadership, however for this assignment we will focus on three different styles...
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...SAT2 Leadership Task 1 A1.) I am a Participative/Consultative leader. My style on the Leadership Grid is Sound Leader. I believe in empowering my team to participate in the decision making process both as a team and as individuals. My team members are experts in their particular functions, and as such have valuable skills and experience to add to the decision making process. In order not to slip into the Human Relations leadership style, I maintain control of the final decision after getting input from the team, and manage the insignificant day-to-day decisions with an understanding of the needs of the team and the requirements of the project. I set incremental and final goals for the team after we have discussed a project and determined the appropriate path to successful completion. I am aware of personal goals of my team members, and support them while keeping in mind the organizational objectives. a.) One strength of the Participative/Consultative leadership style is that the team members feel heard and are invested in the outcome as they have contributed to the project development and structural process. This means that there is less complaining, more focus on the goals of a project, and generally more willingness to cooperate with other team members in order to reach objectives. Another is that in utilizing my subject matter experts in a given area, I do not myself have to become an expert in each area. I trust my subject matter experts to know their area of expertise...
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...uncomfortable. Wheatley stated that if you don’t go through a period of confusion you are not learning and challenging yourself. Margaret Wheatley has a depth of knowledge that is clearly demonstrated or showcased during this article. While reading this article I thought about the organization that I currently work at. Margaret Wheatley mentioned autocratic leadership in organizations. This is clearly the leadership style that is displayed on a daily basis is my job. In an autocratic leadership style, the person in charge has total authority and control over decision making ("Autocratic Leadership," 2008, p. 1). Direction is set by individuals and when the performance goals aren’t met employees are scrutinized and talked down to. Sustainable results have been hard to achieve. People are tired of this leadership style and have begun to seek employment elsewhere. These ideas do support the New Business Realities of the 21st Century. There are 5 driving forces. I feel that Margaret Wheatleys interview supports Driving Force # 4 Transformative Change. While reading the interview I noticed how businesses were resistant to change. Old management styles are being used and the desired results and growth are not being...
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...1. Using an example, explain the difference between leadership and management. Management involves control and organisation to get something done. In the course of business, managers use many different skills, such as board of directors, they are leading the company. However,leadership is vital. A leader is somebody who sets the direction and inspires other people. A leader is able to influence others in meetings or when making decisions, such as a CEO. 2. Suggest circumstances in which leaders within an organisation might wish to use an autocratic leadership style. An autocratic style of leadership is when a leader makes a decision alone. The leader conveys the decision to staff and they have to work within the scope of that decision. For example, in order to deliver good customer service, managers instruct all staff to follow Enterprise’s guidelines for dealing with customers. 3. Employees are motivated by different things. Referring to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, how does a democratic style of leadership help to motivate employees? In contrast to the autocratic style, Enterprise uses democratic decision-taking in many parts ofthe business. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute ideas to the decision. There are two types of democratic decision-making: (1) persuasive democratic management (2) consultative democratic management . In the consultative democratic management, this involves the group contributing to the decision making process, with...
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...Applied Research Technologies Margaret Celeste Moten Project Management – BUS 518 David Plumer Strayer University January 22, 2012 Abstract The Filtration Unit at Applied Research Technologies, Inc. is facing a small crisis. Management must either turn things around or dissolve the unit. This paper discusses the leadership styles exhibited by two managers, Peter Vyas and Cynthia Jackson, as they decide whether to accept a proposal for $2 million to re-launch a previously failed product. The paper then closes with a summary of my personal leadership style and a real world example of leadership in action. Applied Research Technologies Peter Vyas’ Leadership Style Peter Vyas is exhibiting participative leadership. Individuals using this style of leadership place low emphasis on the task but consideration or support for the follower is high (Lewis, 2003, p. 82). Vyas’ leadership style is in line with the culture of the organization – innovation and entrepreneurship. He gives the “what” but allows the team to come up with the “how”. Vyas is concerned with high performance but he’s equally, if not more, concerned with making sure the emotional needs of the team are being met. Participative leaders value their people and encourage them to stay involved and share their ideas. The leader actively seeks input from the team when making decisions or solving problems but retains the final say when choices are made. Research has shown that participative leadership...
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...Transcript of OPITO Douglas McGregor has found that managers often fall into one of two categories; -Theory X -Theory Y OPITO Why do different management styles have an effect on workers? Analyze the ways in which management styles are used in different contexts in the oil and gas industry. Why does this happen? In the oil and gas industry uses both autocratic and democratic leadership styles in their managerial styles for different situations. Autocratic- is the style often needed in this industry, a key autocratic leader is the OIM Democratic- OPITO uses an industry-wide forum to receive feedback from employees and other people in the industry. It ensures the work is aligned to the evolving needs of the workplace. In your view, what are the advantages for staff and management in having OPITO- The oil and Gas Academy? The advantages for staff and management in having OPITO are as follows: - Encouraging young people to consider the oil and gas industry as an exciting career choice. - Industry standards concerning workforce safety to reflect the needs of the workplace. - Encouraging members to work to the high standards expected by their employers. What are said to be the main tasks of any manager? The main tasks of any manager are said to be: - Planning - Organizing - Commanding - Coordinating - Controlling Haley Maidment, Allyssa Cook, Alec Thibodeau, Jason Arsenault Introduction OPITO is an oil and gas academy that helps employers develop...
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...* sFive Models of Organizational Behavior: Factors | 1)Autocratic | 2)Custodial | 3)Supportive | 4)Collegial | 5)System | Basis of model | Power | Economic resources | Leadership | Partnership | Trust, Community | Managerial orientation | Authority | Money | Support | Team work | Caring,Compassion | Employee orientation | Obedience | Security&Benefits | Job performance | Responsiblebehavior | Psychologicalownership | Employee psychological result | Dependenceonboss | Dependenceonorganization | Participation | Self discipline | Self-motivation | Employee needs met | Subsistence | Security | Status&Recognition | Self actualization | Wide range | Performance result | Minimum | Passivecooperation | Awakeneddrives | Moderate enthusiasm | Passion & commitment to organizational goals. | Autocratic Model:- In an autocratic model the manager has the power to dominion his subordinates to do a particular job. Management believes that it knows what is best for an organization and therefore, employees are necessary to follow their orders. The psychological result of this model on employees is their increasing dependence on their boss. Its main weakness is its high human cost. Responses of employees:- Under this model the employees are filled with insecurity, frustrations, and aggressions toward their boss. So the autocratic model was intensely disliked by many employees. Some employees perform higher performance because of internal achievement drives,...
Words: 744 - Pages: 3
...Management and leadership are required for companies so that they are able to succeed. Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling are a must in order to be effective in management and leadership, as well as being able to problem solve, make decision, and have organization communication. Leadership styles are important as well and the still that is chosen can help the leader get the other people on his time to follow them. Managers should be good leaders and good leaders, should have management skills to perform well. Management Management means that you are able to plan and organize an organization or a group of people. By being successful in management, employees will be more productive and enjoy doing their work. According to Teal (1996), when a company is in trouble and employees are unhappy they will complain about management. Management must plan by setting goals and find the best way to reach them (Collins, 2014). Developing a strategic plan, the company can establish the purpose of the company and the goal and objectives that need to be reached. Creating a mission statement can help motivate employees and help them understand the purpose of the company that they work for. Once the mission statement has been developed the next thing to do is look at the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Being able to identify the strengths of the company, workforce can be motivated, weakness can cause poor workforce (Collins, 2014). Setting...
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...Classical Management Theory (1900 – 1930) It was the rise of the Industrial Revolution and factories were becoming more common. Inside these factories, managers were constantly look for ways to improve productivity and efficiency. As time moved on, it became apparent that searching for the single best way to do things was the most important thing for managers to do. Thus, classical management theory was born. The Evolution of Classical Management Theory The Industrial Revolution was a time where innovation really began to change the way that products were produced and sold. The invention of machines to produce goods in the 19th century drastically improved productivity, which in turn lowered the cost to the consumer. The lower price resulted in a greater demand for products and thus a greater need for more factories and workers. As factories increased in number, managers continued to search for ways to improve productivity, lower cost, increase quality of their products, improve employee/manager relationships and increase efficiency. The focus shifted from using machines to increase productivity to how they could increase employee productivity and efficiency. When they did this, they began to notice some new problems inside their factory systems. Employees were dissatisfied with their current working conditions, and many lacked the necessary training for how to do their work efficiently. Managers then began to formulate and test possible solutions, one of which was to find...
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