...Russian gangs are a major concern in the United States. They have become a threat after coming to the United States at the U.S expense. Beyond the general organized crime activities, Russian organized crime has been a threat economically and politically overall to the U.S because of their particular activities. Many Russian organizations have settled across the U.S. in various major states, such as New York and California, causing an overall issue to those states and the country. Law enforcers have made it their priority to target organized crime to reduce the threat to the country. In particular, these threats include: become alliances with countries and creating a threat to international peace and stability, drug trafficking, cybercrime, and fraud....
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...Gangs and Organized Crime in the United States Criminal Justice Janaree Nagel 10/15/2011 Gangs and Organized Crime in the United States is on the rise. With the increase in turf wars, position and the financial gains, gang wars and Organized Crime are linked together in many ways. Within this paper, I will show how they are all tied together in. The M-13’s are the largest reported gang controlling large areas of our states. However, the largest area to which the MS-13’s control is within our own capital, Washington D.C. Their leaders rule all the gangs from inside El Salvador. I will discuss other gangs, and their ties into Organized Crime. Gangs and Organized Crime in the United States When I first began this research, I was stunned by the number of gangs that can be accounted for living on US soil. I wasn’t shocked by the type of activities that they are involved in ranging from drug trafficking, carjacking, murder, rape and kidnapping. The news media is constantly reporting the ages to which individuals join a gang, and the reasons behind their becoming involved. Most that join look for acceptance, and are often from families that have one parent, typically run by their mother who represents head of the household. While others join gangs because they believe it will make others respect them. Throughout our course study, we have discussed a number of things concerning the criminal...
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...Although it is a scheduled controlled substance, drug crimes involving marijuana are handled differently than those involving other illegal substances in Pennsylvania. This includes offenses relating to the distribution of marijuana. In order for people to help protect their rights, it may be helpful for them to have an understanding of marijuana distribution charges, and the potential penalties for this offense. Under Pennsylvania’s Controlled Substances, Drugs, Device, and Cosmetic Act, people are not only prohibited from possessing even a small amount of marijuana. The delivery distribution of this substance, or the intent to distribute it, is also restricted. This is the case even if the substance is not for sale. The severity and types...
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...Young Criminals Crime in the United States has been increasing unstoppably in the previous years. There are crimes occurring everyday. Many of this heinous crimes are being committed by teenagers. Daily in the news we see shootings, murder, rape, vandalism, and robbery being committed. Some articles have been published on this situation, they talk about whether or not juveniles should be punished as adults for being involved in this crimes. While many believe juveniles are not mature enough and punishing them as adults is cruel, these teenagers should have the same consequences as adults who commit heinous crimes, because teenagers are criminals regardless of their young age. Studies have argued that the brain stops growing at age twenty five. Therefore an adult’s brain is fully developed, while a teenager’s is in the process of development. In the article “Startling Finds on Teenage Brains,” Paul Thompson states, “A massive loss of brain tissue occurs in the teen years.” Even Though this statement could be true, this does not mean all teenagers are going around enacting crimes. The massive loss tissue should not be used as an excuse to let teenagers commit crimes without serious consequences. Teenagers...
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...a statistical report on how crime rate decreases in certain major cities of the United States. This is an unbiased secondary report by an anonymous author, but it uses evidence to support its claim. This report has allowed me to understand how cities address the fluctuating crime rates in the last three decades. This source supported my research proposal by proving that crime rate is an issue that the community can decrease, if they are united. The article states how crime rate has decreased over the last two decades, which can be contributed to police officers. However, with the crime rate decreasing, the police aren't needed as they were in the past. This is due to the decrease in crime. In contrast to present times, in some cities, police activity has increased crime rates. This article is an unbiased secondary source that uses reputable sources to enforce his claim. This article is a turning point in my research because it brings up the question: Does police presence increase or decrease crime rate in Hialeah?...
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...How Can Technology Help Law Enforcement in the United State of America Combat Crime Name Institution Organized crime has been a serious concern in the Unites States America for numerous years. The Mafia group was the first known to be an organized crime gang. The Mafia has been powerful organized crime group existed since the 1970’s. The group was known to be planning on how to hijack the people of the United State of America. Technology can help fight organized crimes and safeguard the United States of America. The United States believes that people planning criminal activities should exist in countries that are not stable or rather be in countries that are always in conflict within the nation. The third world countries are the most affected. The main reason is because the countries lack modern and insufficient lawmakers and law enforcement personnel. These countries are not able to purchase the modern technology to fight organized crimes. The agenda should be able to share the intelligence information among the neighboring countries to allow safety and peace among the neighboring countries. The united states should form a network of anti crime which can spread and affect the country's stability and even the neighboring European States. Through technology, sharing information about group crime and mostly the most wanted groups to make work easier to track the criminal groups New technology helps in doing research.The research technology can help in enhancing...
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...Hate Crimes in America May 18, 2014 COM/156 Instructor Kristin Bradley Hate Crimes in America Knowing how the criminal justice system deals with hate crimes can be determine if the history of these crimes is explained and we learn who are now targeted by these crimes. Hate crimes has been a part of the American culture for decades. Hatred and prejudice crimes including lynching, burning crosses, synagogues vandalism, killing, and other crimes committing against a group of people because of their race, religion, handicap, sexual preference, or beliefs are consider hate crimes. This paper will explain to readers the background history of these types of crimes, different types of hate crimes committed in America, targeted victims, and provide hate crime statistics. It will also explain the affects of hate crimes and the laws designed to protect citizens from these harsh crimes. History of Hate Crimes Hate crimes can be defined as any type of wrong doing towards a certain group of people based on ethnics, age, sexual preference, gender, and religious belief (Shively, 2005). Hate crimes are dated back to ancient civilizations when the religious groups Christians were persecuted by the Roman Emperor in 64 AD (The Federal Bureau of Investigation, n.d.). Other hate crimes in the past that affected the entire world were that of the Nazi persecuting the Jews by the order of Adolf Hilter. There are several cases of hate crimes included in the history of the United States...
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...control laws attempt to regulate the sale, acquisition, or ownership of firearms through registration and identification. Now if the right to bear arms is a freedom granted to us, then why is this a topic of discussion and debate, and should it be regulated or not? Many sources state that guns lead to violence and crime, and we would be much better off without them, while the opposition to this argument states that taking away the right to carry a gun is unconstitutional, and it’s the individuals behind the firearms committing the crimes and not the guns themselves. Either way, this topic has been in debate for a duration now, and it is one to be addressed to understand whether the regulation of firearms has an impact on our society through absolving crime. Crime appears to be the obvious reason that guns are regulated by law in most countries, including the United States. The question that pertains to this situation is whether or not heavy regulation of arms actually deters crime, and if it does, should the United States follow in the footsteps of that of other countries who disallow even any ownership of firearms, or if this freedom that is granted to us should be actually free? Currently, the United States regulation of arms has an impact on who can actually own and operate a firearm, and obtaining a firearm legally has become a legal process that attempts to prevent those who have ‘abused’ their right to arms from being able...
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...inmate count in the u.s The United States has less than 5 percent of the world’s population. But it has almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners. Indeed, the United States leads the world in producing prisoners, a reflection of a relatively recent and now entirely distinctive American approach to crime and punishment. Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries. And in particular they are kept incarcerated far longer than prisoners in other nations. Criminologists and legal scholars in other industrialized nations say they are mystified and appalled by the number and length of American prison sentences. The United States has, for instance, 2.3 million criminals behind bars, more than any other nation, according to data maintained by the International Center for Prison Studies at King’s College London. China, which is four times more populous than the United States, is a distant second, with 1.6 million people in prison. (That number excludes hundreds of thousands of people held in administrative detention, most of them in China’s extrajudicial system of re-education through labor, which often singles out political activists who have not committed crimes.) San Marino, with a population of about 30,000, is at the end of the long list of 218 countries compiled by the center. It has a single prisoner. The United States comes in first, too, on a more meaningful list from the prison...
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...Global Crimes Analysis University of Phoenix Cynthia Butler CJA/394 April 16, 2012 This paper will identify the various major global crimes and criminal issues that affect national and international criminal justice systems and processes. In addition, there will be a comparison and contrast of the different criminal justice systems and how they have addressed major global crimes and criminal issues. Global crime is an issue that threatens the safety and security of people all over the world. Global crime can be international drug smuggling operations, human trafficking, or international prostitution rings. Weapons trading are also a problem that exists all over the world. There are always concerns of rogue nations selling nuclear weapons to other nations that do not follow the guidelines of the world community. In the international community, human trafficking has become an issue that is spiraling out of control. The "International Trafficking" (2010) website cites that victims of this crime are usually trafficked both within the countries borders and inside other countries borders. Human trafficking happens in different ways, sex trafficking occurs all over the world, while Burma traffics children to be soldiers. The trafficking crimes are not contained to other countries as Florida has been known to have forced labor practices within the citrus fields. Lucas (2011) addresses the difficulties in securing weapons caches that can be...
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...Court Issues Analysis University of Phoenix Miguel A. Gomez III CJ/394 – Criminal Organizations SC11BCJ06 February 13th, 2013 Carl Heintz, MBA United States Courts In today’s society change is more prevalent than ever. The courts system in the United States has also changed over the course of history. As society gets larger and current laws and regulations become outdated, the courts must re-evaluate their past and current issues in preparation of the future. Currently, issues such as tougher gun laws and juveniles being tried as adults are some examples of what the courts face, along with a vast variety of other important issues. Briefly, this report will examine current and future issues as they revolve around the courts system of the United States and court administrators. This report will examine the following issues: juvenile tried as adults and tough gun reforms. Historically, the United States of America has become the destination spot for many immigrants seeking the “American Dream.” With many different languages being spoken, the courts must provide a means of language interpretation. In regards to language interpretation services, this report will underline future management issues and trends as they relate to the courts. In the past victim’s rights were non-existent; victims and their families were not allowed to obtain any information regarding court proceedings, let alone be present in the courtroom. Victims did not receive any assistance until the mid...
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...citizens, more guns preventing crime and the interpretation of the Second Amendment are all crucial topics in debating gun control. With less guns ownership, there would be a severe drop in homicides and other gun related deaths. Additionally, some contend more guns would associate with a lower crime rate. This is due to bystanders stepping in and stopping any potential crime or crime in progress. Lastly, the true meaning of the Second Amendment very controversial. Gun rights groups suppose it means universal ownerships to any citizen while Gun Control groups take it as gun ownership should be reduced to those in militaries. Some further thoughts regarding this topic are implementing universal background checks on all purchasers of firearms. According to an article by Ariel Edwards for the Huffington Post, this would make it harder to purchase a firearm from a shop or privately if the potential buyer has been convicted of a misdemeanor violent crime in the past. Additionally, although there would be control on firearms, how well would they be enforced? If the laws are not going to be enforced well, others will still possess guns and use them. One last thought on the topic, when there is a mass shooting in the United States, sales of guns go up the next day, this is because citizens feel the need to protect themselves and those around them. American gun culture is very well known as firearms are loved and cherished very much in the history rich United States. Here’s a thought, is the...
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...certain functions. These roles vary by jurisdiction where there are state, local, and federal jurisdictions. Police Functions and Roles The principal roles and functions of police organizations are the prevention of crime and protection of life, to uphold and enforce the law, to combat public fear of crime, to promote community safety, to control traffic, to encourage respect for the law, to protect the civil rights and liberties of individuals. The police are to protect and serve the community in which they work in. The basic mission of law enforcement is to maintain public safety by reducing the occurrence of crimes in society. To make this happen the Police must play a certain role in society. They are to enforce the laws, help maintain the peace. By providing their service they help prevent crime and by arresting offenders they enforce the laws. (Schmallenger, 2011.) The law determines the functions and roles of the police. The law dictates how they will fulfill these duties. The police have guidelines and restrictions they must follow. There are many different types of law enforcement agencies all over the country. Each agency has their own roles and responsibilities. Agencies at the federal level are the Secret Service which are responsible for to safeguard payments and financial systems of the United States. Enforcement of the counterfeiting of United States currency, Presidential Protection, crimes that involve financial institution fraud,...
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...Comparison Criminal justice policy over the past 50 has evolved. The key issues of criminal justice policies were gangs, drugs, juvenile, root causes of crime, and gun control. Currently, the key issues are terrorism, illegal immigration, and global organized crime. Traditionally, criminal justice policies were issued by state and local governments. However, the federal government plays an important role in implementation of criminal justice policy. The federal government provides grants to local and state governments to support these criminal justice policies. Criminal justice agencies at the local and state level have to enforce these policies made by federal and state officials. Nevertheless, the local and state governments still bear much of the responsibility. States operate law enforcement agencies, correctional systems, criminal courts system, whereas cities operate the local police departments. Within the past 50 years, criminal justice policies have affected the criminal justice system. The “war on drug” policy has poured billions of dollars into the criminal justice system, although drug-related violence and drugs remain a problem. The criminal justice policies have gone from drugs polices to sentencing policies and currently to globalization policies. Currently, the criminal justice policies go beyond the United States boarders, which it did not at first. Globalization policies force a global cooperation among criminal justice systems around the world, whereas drugs and...
Words: 3069 - Pages: 13
...However the United States impact of globalization seems to hold a subtle difference of impact due to our own policies, procedures, religious beliefs, constitution, and rank of governments. With that said, one of the concerns with globalization is in regard to illegal goods and activities brought into the country. The United States has continually fought terrorism, human trafficking, cyber-crimes, organized crime, money laundering, drugs, weapons, and illegal goods brought into the United States from other countries. With Civil Laws and Common Laws so different amongst all nations, this leaves room for error and many barriers. Additionally, policing systems are set up contrarily which impacts the larger organizations and vice versa. Assessing criminal justice from a global perspective * Many organized groups and networks prey on a weak government to achieve the organization’s goal to make profit from their illegal activities. “The political turmoil of the 21st century and advances in technology make transnational crime a concern for the United States. Increased travel and trade and advances in telecommunications and computer technology have had the unintended effect of providing avenues for the rapid expansion of transnational organized crime activities. Policing objectives in the United States must extend beyond national borders to seek out and target this type of crime. Only through international collaboration and information exchange can the United States develop effective...
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