...com/library/quiz/bl-leadershipquizbc.htm Quiz - What's Your Leadership Style? | | Leadership Quiz - Your Results | | | | | | | Your results indicate that your leadership style is both: Participative and Delegative Participative Leadership Participative leaders accept input from one or more group members when making decisions and solving problems, but the leader retains the final say when choices are made. Group members tend to be encouraged and motivated by this style of leadership. This style of leadership often leads to more effective and accurate decisions, since no leader can be an expert in all areas. Input from group members with specialized knowledge and expertise creates a more complete basis for decision-making. Delegative Leadership Delegative leaders allow group members to make decisions. This style is best used in situations where the leader needs to rely on qualified employees. The leader cannot be an expert in all situations, which is why it is important to delegate certain tasks out to knowledgeable and trustworthy employees. Remember, good leaders utilize all three styles depending upon the situation. For example: * Use an authoritarian style if a group member lacks knowledge about a certain procedure. Autocratic leadership, also known as authoritarian leadership, is a leadership style characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their own ideas...
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...MANAGEMENT STYLES USE IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Daren C. Sarceno Saint Leo University Table of Contents Abstract 3 MANAGEMENT STYLES USE IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 4 Democratic Management Style 4 Autocratic Management Style 5 Participative Management Style 7 Laissez-Faire Management Style 8 References 10 Abstract Management styles used by different successful companies like, Toyota implementing the ideas of their employees from all levels of the organization have made Toyota the successful car maker. Management styles used in international businesses are strictly dependent on the culture and traditions. The four main styles are the Democratic, Autocratic, Participative, and Laissez-faire. All four styles are used by different industries in the United States but, not all styles of management will work overseas. A leader will have to adapt to its environment, culture and people to implement the best style of management, in order to achieve maximum results. The Russian way of management will not work in Japan or China but, in Brazil and India the style of management will be welcome. Also, the type of business or organization will dictate the type of management style that is going to be implemented by the leadership. Keywords: self-management, delegative style, Latin culture. MANAGEMENT STYLES USE IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Many companies in the United States are taking the advantage of modern technology to bridge the distances and made a decision...
Words: 1882 - Pages: 8
...Management Essay on Autocratic Leadership Are you struggling with your management essay? Worried you won't gain the grade you require, bringing down the standard of your degree? You don't understand what you're studying – shouldn't you get help? Is it worth failing and wasting all the time and money you spent on your course? Your essay may be difficult but don't let it get you down or stressed - let us help you! Our team of 4,000+ qualified professional experts – many of who practice as business analysts, finance directors and management consultants – are waiting to write your essay for you. Just send us your essay question, tell us when you need it for, and sit back – we guarantee the quality, originality and delivery time of the work so you have nothing to worry about. Trust us, trust our guarantees and trust our 4,000+ qualified experts to help you with your management essay! Management essay on autocratic leadership An autocratic leader will always be successful in an organization. What is autocratic leadership? Leadership is, writes Shackleton (1995), about recognizing a goal and having the motivational power to influence a group towards achieving that goal. Successful leadership therefore means that this goal is achieved by the leader and their group. There are many different means and styles of leadership, one of which is by autocratic means. Autocratic leadership is based upon an approach whereby the manager retains the maximum amount of power that they can....
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...Leadership Style William O’Neill LDR/531 November 16, 2013 William James Smith Leadership Style Leadership style depends on your character. In what way do you motivate people to become efficacious. There are many methods that could be used as long as it makes individuals feel truthfully be concerned for. Cutting-edge business, transformational leadership is frequently the greatest leadership style to use. Though, no one elegance of leadership convulsions all circumstances, so it helps to have a thoughtful of other styles. Leadership philosophy is just as valid in the civilian world as it is on the battlefield, and it is even more appropriate than general nonmilitary thinking on the focus. We also leadership is the ability to guide or lead. Every so often times the person in charge and leaders are called a leadership team in a business because they are anticipated to guide the other personnel. It is importance that if you cannot lead somebody or group of individual if you cannot lead yourself. Effective leadership of personality depends on a high grade of self-awareness originated on introspection and honesty. As persons advance in their professions they are uncovered to new tasks and the opportunity to make conclusions with the advantage of wisdom expanded over time. Nevertheless, this wisdom must be refined. It lies inside all of us but only exteriors when it is required. Not only do we as persons face new trials as we advance but civilization throws challenges...
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...SAT2 Leadership Task 1 A1.) I am a Participative/Consultative leader. My style on the Leadership Grid is Sound Leader. I believe in empowering my team to participate in the decision making process both as a team and as individuals. My team members are experts in their particular functions, and as such have valuable skills and experience to add to the decision making process. In order not to slip into the Human Relations leadership style, I maintain control of the final decision after getting input from the team, and manage the insignificant day-to-day decisions with an understanding of the needs of the team and the requirements of the project. I set incremental and final goals for the team after we have discussed a project and determined the appropriate path to successful completion. I am aware of personal goals of my team members, and support them while keeping in mind the organizational objectives. a.) One strength of the Participative/Consultative leadership style is that the team members feel heard and are invested in the outcome as they have contributed to the project development and structural process. This means that there is less complaining, more focus on the goals of a project, and generally more willingness to cooperate with other team members in order to reach objectives. Another is that in utilizing my subject matter experts in a given area, I do not myself have to become an expert in each area. I trust my subject matter experts to know their area of expertise...
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...A1. Leadership Style: My leadership style evolved from an autocratic style while serving in the military to a situational style in my current career as a therapy supervisor. My staff consists of sixteen occupational therapists, three occupational therapy assistants, one speech-language pathologist, and ten physical therapists. The staff members are unique individuals with high level of education and various skill levels. Together, they are a highly engaged team. The most senior staff member has thirty-nine years of clinical experience with twenty years as the department supervisor. The most junior staff member has ten months of clinical experience and a strong focus on research. Majority of the staff have over fifteen years of clinical experience and mentor the less experienced staff members. Therefore, I must identify the priorities of the department and the larger organization, the technical and clinical skills of the staff, the engagement of the staff, and adjust my leadership from directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating depending on my staff’s needs and the situation. This style allows me to be flexible in my approach depended on the tasks and actions that I am requesting from them. This style also allows me to support my staff in their professional and technical development. This style resulted in the development of a clinical education program, preschool-aged therapy group, teaching opportunities both in the community and overseas, and home-based therapy...
Words: 1887 - Pages: 8
...LEADERSHIP - SAT TASK 1 A1. LEADERSHIP STYLE Leadership is the ability to organize a group of people in order to achieve a common goal. My leadership style is participative leadership and it is to share decision making with each member of my group. A Participative style of leadership encompasses consultative, consensus, and democratic. As a participative leader who is consultative, it is very important that I confer with members of the group before making final decisions on issues concerning the group. In addition, as a consensus leader, it is important to build consensus among the group in order to encourage group discussions concerning an issue and finally make decisions that fully reflect the agreement and support from the members of the group. Consensus leader ensures that all members of the group are involved to support a decision before it is considered final. Also, a participant leader is a democratic leader who ensures that final authority in decision making lies on the group. In this case, the group deliberate on issues and collect group opinion, and then cast votes in order to determine the final decision to make. DuBrin, A. (2010). Leadership. The advantages of the Participative style of leadership are that it operates on bases of management openness which allow leaders to accept suggestions from group members to manage the operations. The participative style also allow welcoming ideas from workers since the workers are closer to the market and know how the products...
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...and predictability in dealing with group members. Leadership style is the relatively consistent pattern of behavior that characterizes a leader. The study of leadership 112113style is an extension of understanding leadership behaviors and attitudes. Most classifications of leadership style are based on the dimensions of consideration and initiating structure. Phrases such as “he’s a real command-and-control-type” and “she’s a consensus leader” have become commonplace. DuBrin, A. (2013). Leadership [VitalSouce bookshelf version]. Retrieved from http://online.vitalsource.com/books/9781133614197/id/ch4lev1sec5 Here we describe the participative leadership style, the autocratic leadership style, the Leadership Grid,™ the entrepreneurial leadership style, gender differences in leadership style, and choosing the best style. Chapter 5 continues the exploration of leadership styles by presenting several contingency leadership theories. Participative leaders share decision making with group members. Participative leadership encompasses so many behaviors that it can be divided into three subtypes: consultative, consensus, and democratic. The participative style encompasses the teamwork approach. Predominant behaviors of participative leaders include coaching team members, negotiating their demands, and collaborating with others. Often the team member who has the most relevant knowledge for the task at hand slips into a leadership role. Research indicates that poor-performing teams...
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...northern region of Louisiana. As an employee of Agape Hospice; the perfect position would be director of marketing. My leadership style demonstrates a concern for people as well as task; with task being the priority. To be an employee for a Hospice group, the concern for people is very important. However; accomplishing a task creates security and a sense of accomplishment in the organization. Hospice provides “comforting care that emphasizes quality of life” (Hospice, 2011, pg. 1). This requires a concern for the needs of people. The mission of hospice is “serving faithfully as your partner through the final stages of a journey we know as life” (Hospice, 2011, pg 1). Hospice requires a sense of passion and concern with emphasize on task to accomplish a goal of security and serenity. Leadership style The leadership style most associated with my role in an organization is trait approach. Trait approach focuses on the personality, motives, and values of the leader. Trait approach is an adequate leadership style for a director of marketing because motive is an important issue in hospice care. The motive of hospice is to increase the patient census while offering a quality of life in the final stages of life. However; based upon the assessment “What’s My Leadership Style” (Phoenix, 2007, Section II, B.1), task is the most important. The leadership style assessment indicates an importance in getting the job done, whereas the concern for people focuses are group...
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...Final Exam BUS520/Leadership and Organizational Behavior • Define leadership. Discuss the reasons as to why leadership plays a critical role in the field of Organizational Behavior. Compare and contrast the following leadership theories/styles: 1. Trait Theory 2. Path Goal Theory 3. Transformational Leadership 4. Autocratic Leadership Leadership is the process of influencing others and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives (Schermehorn, Osborn, Uhl-Bien, Hunt 12th Edition 2012). In our day-to-day life, leadership can be viewed as either actual or potential. Leadership is an important function of management, which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals. A leader is a person who starts the work by communicating the policies and plans to the employees from where the work actually starts. A leader proves to be playing an incentive role in motivating employees with economic and non-economic rewards. A leader not only supervises but also plays guiding role for all employees to help them perform effectively and efficiently. Strong leaders have the ability to encourage and nurture those that report to them. They are also able to delegate in such a way, as people will grow. Leaders are looked at as role models that lead by example. ...
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...An Ideal Position LDR 531 An Ideal Position Introduction MAX Inc., a consulting company that helps their clients realize their true tax credit potential, is at the beginning stages of a large restructuring process that will ultimately allow them to expand and open three additional offices in San Diego, Chicago, and Houston. As a key mid-level manager with a long and solid history in the company, the author was given the opportunity to create the ideal position that best suits her leadership style. In doing so, she will describe her ideal position within the company, evaluate her leadership style and identify her strengths and weaknesses, and compare and contrast leadership theories in an effort to gain a more thorough understanding of her own leadership style. Ideal Position MAX Inc. is giving the author a rare opportunity to create her own position within the company. Being that this is a rare opportunity; the author will take full advantage. The author has determined that her ideal position is the West Coast Operations Manager. Her main responsibility will be running the day-to-day operations of the new San Diego office. As a new office, the staffing needs are small; five to seven employees that include a receptionist, three or four data entry/call center personnel, and a floor manager. As a new and small branch office, the organizational structure that will best fit the needs is the flat structure. The flat structure will enable the author to control...
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...Introduction Leadership is a method of persuading people to attain common goals which involves interpersonal skills to persuade others to perform with commitment to the task given instead of compliance (Hogan, 1994). In order to develop a person and enable them to response to changes, it involves mentoring and coaching. The process of leadership consists of interactions among three elements – The leader, the followers and the situation. Leaders who are appointed by the consensus from the followers are better and able to influence their followers towards goal achievement with the power conferred by the followers. However, Bennis (1989) argued that manager is not a leader but the roles given required them to become a leader. There are differences between leadership and management. Management is associated to competence, planning, paperwork, procedures, policy, manage, and consistency but leadership is associated to risk taking, dynamic, creativity, change and vision. Leadership’s effectiveness is highly dependent on personality traits and leadership style. Some personality traits in leaders are born with it while others can be learned and practiced. The Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model personality traits which contain openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism; had emerged as a robust model for understanding the relationship between personality and various academic behaviors (Barrick and Mount, 1991). Leadership style was defined...
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...upheld. One of the most important principles and practices of critical care that need not to be tampered within the nursing profession happens to be leadership. It has been argued that “a simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal” (Ward 2011). From this definition, we immediately see how important leadership is to any professional setup, including the critical care nursing profession. This point is built around the fact that leadership as a principle and practice helps in the realization of the goals and ambitions of any professional setup. This means that with a very good leadership in place in the critical care nursing profession, the all-important goal of saving lives by promoting healthy living will be achieved. To achieve good leadership however, a lot more depends on the kind of leadership style that is in use as leadership is conducted in many different styles. Review of Professional Nursing Literature This component of the paper seeks to achieve two major aims. Firstly, it is to describe two different leadership styles in the nursing profession and also discuss how these two nursing leadership styles can be implemented in a professional nursing practice. In the first place, (Rampur 2011) identifies two major leadership styles in the nursing...
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...Leadership Style Charlene Taylor WGU 000345193 Leadership Style Analysis There are many leadership styles that were presented in the reading. As well as the reading, I completed an assessment “What’s Your Leadership Style?” (About.com). This assessment, as well as my reading of the material identified my style as participative and situational leadership. Participative leadership involves engaging multiple group members in the decision making process, as well as problem solving. The leader does have the final choice in the decision. This style of leadership helps to encourage and motivate group members. “This style of leadership often leads to more effective and accurate decisions, since no leader can be an expert in all areas” (About.com). As a participative leader, I always drive teamwork among my team. This gives the members of my team the ability to share in the decision making processes of the company. Participative leadership does have some negative factors. Participative leadership “results in extensive and time-consuming team meetings and committee work” (Dublin, 2010). Many managers also believe that giving group members a share in the decision making lowers their power. Another weakness in this style is that a decision cannot be made until the entire group agrees on something. This can slow down productivity, as the group argues and discusses the points until everyone unanimously agrees. Situational leadership occurs...
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...Leadership can be described as the manner and approaches that leaders uses to direct, implement plans and motivate people. Basically, it describes how leaders react, interact and treat employees at work. According to Bass (2007, p. 1), leadership can be defined as “an interaction between two or more members of a group that often involves a structuring or restructuring of the situation and the perception and expectations of the members”. There are various leadership styles namely the autocratic, democratic, laissez faire and charismatic. Basically leaders tend to use all these leadership styles depending on the situations; however, one of the styles is always the predominant on them. It has to be noted that a particular leadership style will not be effective in an organisational setting. Hence, different styles are needed according to different situations. Steve Jobs CEO of Apple has been a successful leader in this modern era. His approach to leadership is both fascinating and confusing and that is the reason why he has been able to make Apple a successful company. He has brought a lot of changes in the life of people through his greatest advanced technology ever made namely the Mac, the iPod, the iPad and iPhone but has also introduced a new concept for business and leadership. His approach to creative leadership was remarkably high, that is inspiring others to do the impossible but at the same time Steve Job’s leadership style was complex because he always put a...
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