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Cocaine Research Paper

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Cocaine is a widely alkaloid drug that comes from the coco plant. The salt of the coco plant forms its cocaine hydrochloride which it is a white crystalline powder and its sometimes defined as cocaine. It is sometimes referred as cocaine powder to distinguish the crack. Cocaine is used for its euphoric and stimulant effect. Cocaine is sniffed through the nose allowing the drug to be absorbed through mucosal membranes. Crack cocaine is smoked and vaporized in a specialized pipe (Johnson 2011).
The effects of the cocaine results from its ability to block the reuptake of monoamine neurotransmitters. It is blockade of dopamine reuptake in the mesolimbic area. The brain is responsible for its reinforcing it and addictive areas. 15 percent of the population from age 12 and older has used cocaine at least once in their lifetime. According to the national survey on drug use 0.7 percent of the U.S has used cocaine heavily on the last month (Johnson, 2011).
Cocaine use is associated with the number of harms. The price of cocaine is high those who are addicted to the drug can spend large amounts of money for these drug sometimes resulting in criminal behavior such as a theft and prostitution to maintain its drug use. Cocaine accounts for approximately 60 percent of the total illicit drug revenues in the United States and cocaine …show more content…
Some studies show that cocaine form the crossing of the antibodies that avoid them to not cross the brain. The promising of cocaine is preventing to relapse to dependence in abstinent users who voluntarily to enter treatment. Any use of a vaccine to treat the cocaine addicts under the legal coercion raises major ethical issues. Cocaine is one of the illicit drugs in the world with 13 million people has reported what has used globally in 1997. The highest rates of cocaine use are in the U.S were in 2000 11.2 percent of Americans over the age of 12 ( Carter

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