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How Cow's Milk Affects The Human Body

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When you think back on when humans first began drinking cow’s milk, don’t you find it very odd? No other animals drink another mammals milk, but for some reason humans thought it would be a good idea to try cow’s milk. When I imagine us drinking cow’s milk for the first time, I imagine some crazy human who was incredibly thirsty that he was desperate enough to drink another animal’s milk. That person started a milk revolution changing the way humans lived all the way up to this minute as you read this essay where I will spill truth about what milk really does the human body. You may have heard that cow’s milk is some sort of “superfood”, one full of calcium and powers to keep you healthy. But milk actually does the complete opposite,after all cow’s milk was made for baby cow’s not humans.
Milk is said to be a good source of calcium with 300mg of calcium per cup. But would you believe me if I said that cow’s milk actually increases the calcium loss in your bones? Well it’s true,cow’s milk weakens your bones and drains the natural …show more content…
On most dairy farms (organic too) cows are impregnated and are forced to produce milk all year round. These cow’s get diseases and infections on their utter’s and where the milk is stored. Dairy farmers usually treat these infections with antibiotics and surgeries, but do not even bother to give the cow’s pain killers. Most of the time these infections are not cured or helped so when they are milked the infection goes into the milk which we buy from the store. These diseases are what can cause illnesses and cancers among humans. Although there may be restrictions and limits on how many white blood cells (infection) can go into the milk, we are still consuming it. Since when has “there’s a limit” been an okay reason to allow humans to be fed infection and disease. Even if there is a limit, you can still get sick if you drink a lot of milk. How is that

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