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William Blake Research Paper

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Everyone, at some point in their life has asked, “Why am I here? Who made me?” It can even be considered the most controversial question of all time. Existentialism has been a subject of debate and analyzation for as long as people have been able to communicate, and it has been up to literary artists and experts to explore this fascinating topic. At the forefront of the Romantic Period, poet and painter William Blake took it upon himself to apply his philosophical beliefs and religious values in taking on this vast and broad matter. Through his utilization of symbolism and questioning, Blake examines the mysteries of human existence.
Before diving into Blake’s works revolving around existentialism, it is of value to take an initial glance at …show more content…
At first, the speaker swats aside a bothersome fly and thinks nothing of it, but after a moment, he stops to think about what he has done. The speaker addresses the fly by saying, “Little fly/ My thoughtless hand/ Has brushed away ("The Fly" 1-4). The act of swatting the fly away exhibits how humans, a higher power, look at flies, a lower power, as insignificant, just as God does to people. The notion that God is to people as people are to flies is brought to light when the speaker relates himself directly to the fly and thinks, "Till some blind hand shall brush my wing" (11-12). By making the direct connection between humans and flies, Blake reveals his belief that at the end of it all, everything is of the same importance. By using "some blind hand", Blake is implying that death, and therefore also life, is caused by an eternal high powered being, likely God. The "hand" that ends the flies life is the same one that ends a human's life; this is something that ties all life together. Ultimately, everything suffers the exact same fate, meaning everything may be of the exact same significance (or insignificance) in the universe. Blake uses the fly to symbolize the overcomplexity of human thought and how existence is not as special and meaningful as one might think. The human race is simply a microscopic speck on the surface of space and

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