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Two Most Efficient Alternative Energy Sources

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What is the two most efficient alternative energy sources at the moment? You guessed it, wind turbines and tidal turbines. So when building a energy production facility, why have one type when you can have two energy sources. Wind energy and tidal energy would bring many benefits to a Cork, Ireland. This is because they produce large amounts of electricity at a low cost. They can also produce electricity at almost a constant rate while not harming the environment at all.

A great location for wind and tidal turbines is in a town called Cork, Ireland. To have a wind farm you need lots of flat at a very low cost. The land also needs to be extremely windy and is recommended to be at least 2,000 meters away from all other residents because …show more content…
In order to produce electricity, wind turbines transforms the kinetic motion energy into electrical energy when the blade spin a generator. Similarly, a tidal turbine uses the kinetic motion energy of changing tides to spin a generator in order to transform to electrical energy. Some advantages of wind turbines is that they produce energy at a very efficient rate, cause no pollution, are safe, and can last from 20-40 years. The disadvantages of wind turbines is that they require a large start up cost, need lots of land, kill birds, and only produce electricity when there is wind. For one, wind turbines and tidal turbines are not constant energy. Since wind turbines only produce energy with wind but tidal energy twice a day when the tide changes, there will almost always be electricity being produced. Another benefit is that they both produce energy with really high efficiency rates. Wind turbines transform 45% to 50% of passing air into electricity while tidal transforms almost 80% of passing air. Compared to oil that only transforms 30%, these energy sources are both much more efficient allowing low cost per kilowatt hour. They also complement each other because they both are really safe and do not harm the environment in any way. They don't produce waste nor harm surrounding environment. Overall, both wind turbines and tidal turbines complete each other.

Some may argue that wind energy and tidal energy should not be used together because they both require a large up front cost. Although they are expensive, they both produce energy at a really low price due to their high energy efficiency. This allows the cost to eventually be paid for in only a few years. Another benefit is that they both last for a long time so even though they are really expensive, they will definitely benefit Cork, Ireland in the long

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