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Family Interview Paper

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Interviewee 2:

Information: Male, Chinese, Age 20

How many members are there in your family?

There are 5 members including him. He has 2 older siblings – brother and sister.

What role did each of your parents play during your childhood as well as now?

He states that his family has a traditional Chinese background. His father was a busy man who earned money while the mother was a housewife that stayed at home and took care of her children. For instance, she focused on the educational aspect of her children. To illustrate, she revised with her children and made sure they complete their homework. Furthermore, she oversaw school affairs such as fetching her children to school. He stated that his father would not interrupt his mother in education and teaching of the children. For example, the father did not ask him about school. As a result, he did not communicate much with his father. He did not see his father every day, probably only 4 to 5 times per week. It is much less now as he lives separately from his family. …show more content…
Were there any punishments? If yes, please describe them.

Due to seldom communication and interaction, he did not receive any punishments from his father as his father did not know even when he had make mistakes. On the other hand, interviewee interacted with his mother the most. He received verbal and physical punishments from his mother such as scolding and caning. He described her mother as strict and stern.

How are you rewarded when you perform desirable actions? (e.g.: getting good grades, doing house chores, etc) If so, please describe them.

In primary school, he was rewarded with humble gifts like stuff toys. Now, he does not request for rewards from his parents.

Are there any household rules in your family? (e.g.: curfews, chores, etc) If yes, please list

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