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Family Interview Research Paper

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My interviewee was Argentina Raudales, my mom. She was born on April 22, 1953, in Esquías, Comayagua, Honduras. She spoke of anecdotes about her childhood and why she moved to the United States, yet she was kept in a bubble by her parents about the wars and disagreements happening around her country and neighboring countries. I chose to interview my mom because she would always tell me stories about her childhood, yet she never told me anything bad happening in Honduras but because of history, I know civil wars were happening in Central America during the time she was growing up. My grandfather was in the military, but when he got married to my grandmother he left the military and worked in agriculture. During the 50’s and 60’s, he decided …show more content…
She married at age 32 and adopted my brother at age 35 and had her first child at 38. After she got married, she stopped working and went to learn how to sew at a technical sewing school. She then worked from home as a housewife and seamstress. During the late 1990s, my parents immigrated to Florida because of economic struggles caused by Hurricane Mitch which destroyed Central America and Reichman says “After 1989 and the return to democracy in Honduras which was decentralized shifted the grounds of social policy. The government also did little to bolster a faltering Honduran economy. Emigration seemed to be the only option for many, and the nation became increasingly dependent on remittances from its diaspora.” Honduras was one of the countries that were severely affected out of all Central America. Hurricane Mitch hit in 1998 and left Honduras a disaster many people lost their lives and the infrastructure was completely damaged that till this day there are places that have not been fixed. This left Honduras economy to plump now they needed money to repair all the damages caused by the Hurricane. My parents decided to immigrate to the United States to make money and eventually go back to their country but, the United States gave people from Honduras and Nicaragua a Temporary Protection Status (TPS) because of the natural disaster and

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