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How Important Are Men Lie To Women Research

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Trust is one important thing to build when you are in a relationship. I’ve ever heard someone said that it takes years to build trust but it only takes minutes to destroy it. Well, one thing to easily destroy trust is lie. Some women (it could be you) say that in a relation, the person who has a big chance to lie is man. Do you know why? Well, let’s find out why men lie to women.

Well, sometimes they don’t see anything wrong with lying. This means that some guys are just liars and that’s what they do best. Evidently, these men don’t see how a lack of trust will undermine any love relationship. But since they’ve never examined the issue, they will continue to lie because it has helped them achieve their short-term objectives in the past. …show more content…
Maybe for them it is just for fun and say something that isn’t totally true because it is not very important to them. They think that nothing bad will happen if they do it. It’s part of the freedom of doing and saying whatever they want, whenever they want.
This is probably the biggest reason why men lie. They have a fear that by telling the truth the woman will evaluate solely from her point-of-view and not consider his side of the story. Rather than deal with this situation, a guy will often tell what he sees as a “little white lie” in order to avoid setting off a chain-reaction of other unwanted emotions in the woman. However, this also becomes a convenient “excuse” for men that justifies their negative actions and minimizes the “wrong” of lying.
Well, before they lie, they may have a conviction that the woman cannot manage her upsets. If he lives with that woman, then it makes life at home totally miserable. If the relationship is already unstable, this added upset may lead to complete chaos.

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