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United Nations Research Paper

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The United Nations is an organization that was built directly out of the ashes of World War II. After witnessing mass genocide of various groups of people by Nazi Germany and the rest of the Axis powers, the Allies met and determined that change needed to occur immediately. By the end of the meeting, the Allied leaders concluded that the solution to their problem was to form a brand new worldwide organization. This organization was planned to include representatives from all over the world and the representatives would come together to work out all global issues. The name of the group was to be called the United Nations and all of the plans for it was laid out in a document called the United Nations Charter. The organization was officially …show more content…
Before the founding of the UN, there was the League of Nations. The League of Nations was an international organization that was formed at the end of World War I. Similar to the United Nations, it also stood for world peace and wished to prevent future wars from occurring. However, there were some big differences between the two. The League of Nations was a much weaker organization than the UN. This was due to the lack of participation from countries such as the United States (Creation of UN Commission on Human Rights). Additionally, the League of Nations was very ineffective at carrying out its purpose. This is clearly seen with the breakout of World War II in 1939. A large part of the reasoning behind why World War II occurred was due to the League of Nations allowing Hitler to climb to …show more content…
When forming the UN, their goal was to fix those problems. The first solution to fixing the problem was to encourage more nations to join the UN. Since the US was involved in the discussion of creating the UN, they decided to become a part of it. This strengthened the UN as a whole because the US is a powerful country. The other main flaw in the League of Nations that the UN founders wanted to fix was the set-up. The League of Nations was generally very disorganized which prevented it from taking action when necessary. The UN founders solved this issue by breaking the UN up into two branches, the Security Council and the General Assembly. The Security Council was the side of the UN that had the power to take action if necessary (International Peace and Security). The General Assembly had the role of helping the Security Council plan for any peacekeeping missions (International Peace and Security). This method of organization was more effective for the UN since it allowed for members to sort out disputes in a more easy and efficient

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